A star on github or an email saying thanks means a lot already, but telling us about your use case, your experience, and things to improve would be much appreciated. Just send an email to feedback (at) syslog-ng.org. Feedback Powers Open Source. Installation from source Releases and ...
We are really interested to see who uses our software, so if you do use it and you like what you see, please tell us about it. A star on github or an email saying thanks means a lot already, but telling us about your use case, your experience, and things to improve would be much...
原始仓库: https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng master 分支(15) 标签(135) 管理 管理 master develop version/4.8.1 version/4.8.0 3.31/master 3.13/master pe-6.0/master 3.8/master 3.7/master 3.6/master pe-5.3/master 3.5/master 3.4/master pe-5.0/master 3.3/master syslog-ng-4.8.1...
Open Source Log Management Tool - syslog-ng [git-syslog-ng]https://github.com/balabit/syslog-ng
https://github.com/balabit/syslog-ng/issues/959 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/apps/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH syslog-ng.conf-example https://github.com/balabit/syslog-ng-3.5/blob/master/debian/syslog-ng.conf.example 标记一下...
从GitHub下载最新版本的syslog-ng OSE。 源代码以tar.gz存档文件的形式提供。 安装编译syslog-ng所需的以下软件包。 这些软件包适用于大多数UNIX/Linux系统。 或者,您也可以下载源代码并进行编译。 一个适用于线程本地存储(Thread Local Storage, TLS)的gcc C编译器的一个版本,例如,version 4.5。
local1.* /export/Logs/nginx/http-access.loglocal3.* /export/Logs/nginx/stream-access.log nginx配置 access_log syslog:server=unix:/root/tong1/rsyslogd/http-access,facility=local1 http_format; 性能分析 多个nginx worker写入同一个unix socket,本质上还是一写多,一样是有锁了。
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https://github.com/gcsideal/syslog-ng-debian.git Debian 软件包源码仓库(可在线浏览) https://github.com/gcsideal/syslog-ng-debian本页面还能应用以下各种语言浏览: Български (Bəlgarski) Deutsch English suomi français magyar 日本語 (Nihongo) Nederlands polski Русский (Russkij...
https://github.com/dpkp/kafka-pythonPython Kafka DestinationSyslog-ng 转发到 Kafka案例详解https://jekhokie.github.io/syslog/syslog-ng/kafka/logging/linux/2016/12/21/integrate-syslog-ng-with-kafka.html 编辑于 2022-04-29 · 著作权归作者所有...