Syslog Watcher is a powerful centralized logging server for the Microsoft Windows platform. It allows network administrators and IT professionals to streamline system log management with real-time alerts and customized reports.
Running a syslog server on Windows should be simple, but yet scale for highly demanding environments. This is what WinSyslog does. For the home user, we even offer a free version (the WinSyslog Interactive Syslog Viewer desktop version). Trust the folks that invented the original syslog techno...
要开始在 Kiwi Syslog Server NG 中收集和处理 Windows 事件,请使用免费的 SolarWinds® 实用程序 Event Log Forwarder for Windows。您可以轻松配置自己的 Windows 服务器或工作站,从而以兼容的 Syslog 格式从该工具向 Kiwi Syslog Server 发送 Windows 事件日志,这样您就能利用 Kiwi Syslog Server NG 中广泛的筛...
Visual Syslog Server for Windows是一个开源工具,用于接收和显示syslog消息,有以下功能特点: 通过TCP或UDP协议接收来自各种设备的消息 实时显示syslog消息 将消息以文件形式保存到磁盘上面 支持日志旋转 设置syslog显示的过滤规则 根据消息内容发送通知 选择: 下载安装; 安装完成后,为了正确显示nxlog发送的系统日志,需要设...
方法/步骤:1. 首先根据自己的windows系统的版本(32/64位),在网上下载相应的版本。我的系统为64位版本,因此下载64位版本;2. 然后将下载后的软件内的两个文件evtsys.dll和evtsys.exe,拷贝到系统内c:\windows\system32目录下;3. 这一步找到命令提示符,右击选择以管理员身份运行。详细操作如下...
使用Vovsoft Syslog Server 你可以实时查看和归档 syslog 消息。应用程序启动后,即可开始监控计算机收到的消息。这些消息在网络管理员的工具库中发挥着重要作用;它们会在错误和警告发生时立即向管理员发出警报,使管理员能够快速应对问题,并希望在问题变成重大问题之前将其解决。
Kiwi Syslog Server NG Consolidate syslog messages and Windows events in one comprehensive tool. Access log data from wherever you are with safe web access. Use clean, legible, organized logs to help demonstrate regulatory compliance. Download Free TrialFully functional for 14 days Learn More Le...
Snare for Windows:程序配置界面,选择后在浏览器打开http://localhost:6161/地址,然后选择左侧菜单的Network Configuration选项 Free WhatsUp Syslog Server – 免費 Syslog Server 何處尋? 在這裡!! Syslog daemon for Windows Eventlog...
Since1996, WinSyslog is the professional’s choice when it comes to anenhancedsyslog server for Windows.Being the first to offer syslog functionality on Windows, Adiscon has always been on top of the others.WinSyslog is extremely reliable, robust, easy to use ...
As Microsoft is accepting / acknowledging the existence of linux more and more and having a hybrid environment where Windows Server and Linux co-exist it would be great to have a windows feature where Windows is able to send it's events as syslog too. ...