2、只编译部分模块 make M=drivers/net/ 3、只编译某一模块 make drivers/net/pcnet32.ko 4、将编译完成的结果放置于别的目录中 make O=/tmp/kernel 5、交叉编译 make ARCH= 脚本编程知识点: 1、变量中字符的长度:${#VARNAME} 2、变量赋值等: ${parameter:-word}:如果parameter为空或未定义,则变量展开...
无论是Unix、Linux、FreeBSD、Ubuntu,还是路由器、交换机,都会产生大量的日志,而这些,一般会以syslog的形式存在。...在RFC 3164中定义了syslog是一种日志协议,syslog数据包的大小为1024字节,包含Facility, Severity, Hostname, Timestamp和Message信息。...Windows有自己的日志协议,称为Event Log。为什么不建立一台中...
Open Source GitHub Sponsors Fund open source developers The ReadME Project GitHub community articles Repositories Topics Trending Collections Enterprise Enterprise platform AI-powered developer platform Available add-ons Advanced Security Enterprise-grade security features GitHub Copilot Enterprise-gra...
The crash was caused by a concurrency issue in the EOF and file deletion detection when using awildcard-file()source. If a file is written after being deleted (e.g. with an application keeping the file open), or if these events happen concurrently, the file state change poller mechanism ...
进入centos的DVD盘然后安装rpm -vih php-gd-5.1.6-15.el5.i386.rpm进入centos的DVD盘然后安装rpm -ivh freetype-2.2.1-19.el5.i386.rpmc) 安装NET-SNMP1. 下载net-snmp源码,并解压rootFDWIN proc#wget 5.6/net-snmp-5.6.tar.gzrootFDWIN proc#tar -xvzf net-snmp-5.6.tar.gz2. Configurea) 进入...
Description Downtime In the channel table on theOverviewtab, this channel never shows any values. PRTG uses this channel in graphs and reports to show the amount of time in which the sensor was in theDownstatus. Drops The number of dropped packets on the syslog port ...
Error Message %FTD-4-409002: db_free: external LSA IP_address netmask Explanation An internal software error occurred. Recommended Action None required. 409003 Error Message %FTD-4-409003: Received invalid packet: reason from IP_address , interface_name Explanation An invalid OSPF packet was...
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Recommended Action Check the available memory using the show memory command to make sure that the Secure Firewall Threat Defense device has free memory. If there is no available memory, add more physical memory to the Secure Firewall Threat Defense device. Check resource limitation using the show...