Shop Sysco products, anytime, anywhere. Sysco Shop allows you to search Sysco’s complete product catalog, locate key items from any page, and place quick and e…
multiple similar product options may appear. The item(s) shown will best substitute the initial selection pending availability by location. Due to product stocking, results may not display. To remedy, continue to search on Sysco Shop. Please contact your Sales Consultant for additional assistance in...
面对下游餐企,Sysco为其提供数字一体化解决方案。包括点单收银、菜单规划建议、食品安全培训和库存控制等第三方服务数字系统可以随时了解餐厅及顾客需求,并以此控制上游生产。例如,Sysco专门为餐厅开发了CAKE收银系统,记录餐厅用餐记录,帮助餐厅进货和盘点库存。同时,通过自有电商平台Sysco Shop提供的数据,Sysco可以深入...
例如,Sysco专门为餐厅开发了CAKE收银系统,记录餐厅用餐记录,帮助餐厅进货和盘点库存。 同时,通过自有电商平台Sysco Shop提供的数据,Sysco可以深入获客、留客、增客的每个交易流通环节,使Sysco成为懂客户的生鲜食材供应商,为上游客户提供生鲜食材选择等咨询建议,促进客户对Sysco的黏性与忠诚度。 在生成式AI问世之后,Sysco快...
GET SYSCO SHOP MOBILEThe easiest way to order using your mobile deviceWith Sysco Shop, order what you need, when you need it, from Sysco, via any device.© 2024 All Rights Reserved. Sysco Corporation Terms of Use | Privacy Policy
Sysco Shop allows you to search Syscos complete product catalog, locate key items from any page, and place quick and easy orders on your schedule. Sysco Shop includes custom list sequencing, optimized for sheet-to-shelf matching. You can access up to 14 months of previous order history and ...
Sysco推出Sysco Shop线上平台,支持客户实时下单并跟踪库存;利用大数据分析预测区域消费趋势,优化备货策略。2021年推出的“Sysco Bite”App提供智能菜单规划功能,帮助中小餐厅减少食材浪费。区块链技术则用于追溯食品源头,增强安全管控。 行业影响与挑战 作为餐饮业“隐形巨头”,Sysco直接影响全球约10%的餐饮...
Shop by Department Meat & Poultry Fruit & Veg Cheese, Dairy & Eggs Fish & Seafood Deli & Ready Meals Bakery & Savoury Canned & Dried Hot & Cold Beverages Desserts & Cakes Catering Supplies Condiments Baking Ingredients World Food Ireland Reliving trips abroad or exploring different cultures; Worl...
西斯科的数字购物平台SHOP拥有个性化的搜索导航等功能,还有客户购物栏、平台推荐等,也给采购者以快捷和方便。 五、西斯科正在推进生成式AI进入业务流,实现智能化的管理与改进。 管理是企业的底层基石,只有先进的文化和管理能力的企业,才能确保规模化企业的效率与盈利能力。
Sysco Shop allows you to search Sysco’s complete product catalog, locate key items from any page, and place quick and easy orders on your schedule.You can access up to 14 months of previous order history and modify existing orders up to the delivery cut-off time. Sysco Shop also features...