庆祝第17个SysAdmin Day:系统管理员节日快乐! 7月29日消息,今天是第十七个“系统管理员日(SysAdmin Day)”,又称系统管理员感恩日。这个纪念日最早是从2000年7月28日发起,定在每年7月的最后一个星期五,旨在感谢IT系统管理人员为我们打造如此便利的数字工作环境。 那么这个节日从何而来呢? 系统管理员日由Ted Keka...
About SysAdmin Day What is a SysAdmin When is SysAdmin Day SysAdmin Day Gift Ideas Find Us Social Media: When posting your SysAdmin Day photos, use #SysAdminDay hashtag. Email: SysAdminDay@SysAdminDay.com About This Site System Administrator Appreciation Day – July 25, 2025 – 26th Annual Co...
If you want to ruin a sysadmin's day, say the opposite of that or disparage Linux in any way. Not only will you receive a litany of insults, rants, and passionate movie and song references, but you might also get a plateful of stale pizza bones* thrown at you. Linux sysadmins are L...
If you want to ruin a sysadmin's day, say the opposite of that or disparage Linux in any way. Not only will you receive a litany of insults, rants, and passionate movie and song references, but you might also get a plateful of stale pizza bones* thrown at you. Linux sysadmins are L...
SysAdmin Day is all about the people who work tirelessly to make sure networks are up and running as they should. But for Altaro, they are more than that. They’re the people theycreated Altaro VM Backup for in the first place, when they saw the need to provide an easy but powerful ...
Profitserver目前正在庆祝“Sysadmin Day”搞VPS清货促销,全场VPS直接5折优惠,不需要优惠码,续费也是5折不涨价,可选机房包括:香港、新加坡、阿姆斯特丹、法兰克福、亚特兰大。该商家的所有VPS默认都是不限制流量的,基于KVM虚拟,纯SSD raid阵列,支持自定义ISO,付款支持:加密货币、stripe、PayPal、webmoney、银联等。有需要特...
Weitere Informationen zum Programm und zu den Gewinnen, eine Anfahrtsskizze sowie Agenda und Teilnahmebedingungen erfahren Sie unter: http://www.microsoft.com/germany/technet/events/sysadminday/default.aspx Selbstverständlich sind auch Journalisten zum SysAdmin Day von Microsoft herzlich eingeladen...
SysAdmin Day 2020 To the ones who leap past the network hurdles, pin down the malware attacks, and dive head-first into the pool of everyday problems and come out on top every time: Happy SysAdmin Day and welcome to the 2020 SysAdmin Olympics....
What is SysAdmin Day for Proud IT Pros? It’s that time of year to say Thank you, SysAdmin. Here’s hoping SCCM, Intune, Hyper-V, ESX, etc., servers don’t go down on our big day! SysAdmin Day 2018 is on Friday, 27th July. SysAdmins are System Administrators; in other words, ...
Happy SysAdmin Day!Patrick Orndorff