网络释义 1. 大瑟提斯高原 大瑟提斯高原(Syrtis Major Planum),是古老的火山,位于火星北半球。是火星上一个明显的暗区(大瑟提斯,Syrtis Major)…|基于79个网页必应词典应用 准确权威无广告去官网了解更多 下载手机版必应词典 iOS Windows Phone Android 体验P C 版必应词典Win32 版Microsoft 商店 ...
Syrtis Major Planum (centered at 9.2掳N, 67.1掳E) is a unique volcano on Mars. Its large (1300 km) diameter and low summit height (~ 2 km) give flank slopes of < 1掳. Lava flow lobes, channels, and tubes are identified on Syrtis Major Planum's flanks. Intersecting wrinkle ridges, ...
Related to Syrtis Major Planum:Syrtis Major Planitia (ˈsɜːtɪs) n (Astronomy) a conspicuous dark region visible in the N hemisphere of Mars Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007...
These very gentle slopes are similar to other Martian highland paterae such as Amphitrites, Tyrrhena, and Syria Planum but are much smaller than slopes measured on the flanks of large Martian shield volcanoes such as Olympus, Elysium, Ascraeus, and Arsia Mons. At kilometer-scale baselines, the...
It is evident from the studies, Syrtis Major has well developed fluvial channels mostly attributed to lava flows. However, spectroscopic studies reveal the presence of hydroxylated and hydrated minerals which indicate that lava might not be the sole factor resulting in channel generation in the ...
Mare ridges were caused by compressional tectonics and indicate the shortening of the planum surface foiled by lavas. At least two separate tectonic phases within Syrtis Major Planum can be found. The two central calderas are located on the southwestern continuation of the Nili Fossae graben zone ...
Identification of a new outflow channel on Mars in Syrtis Major Planum using HRSC/MEx data. Planet. Space Sci. 56, 1030-1042.Mangold, N., V. Ansan, D. Baratoux, F. Costard, L. Dupeyrat, H. Hiesinger, P. Masson, G. Neukum, and P. Pinet (2008), Identification of a new out...
The physiographic evidence and radar elevation data confirm the fact that Syrtis Major is a ‘planum’ (plateau) rather than a ‘planitia’ (low plain), as published maps of Mars now portray the feature. In addition, present evidence does not support an earlier suggestion that an impact basin...
Mangold, N., Ansan, V., Baratoux, D., Costard, F., Dupeyrat, L., Hiesinger, H., Masson, P., Neukum, G., Pinet, P., 2008. Identification of a new outflow channel on Mars in Syrtis Major Planum using HRSC/MEx data. Planet. Space Sci. 56, 1030-1042....