雪城大学(Syracuse University,或译叙拉古大学)位于美国纽约州的雪城,是一所著名的私立大学。雪城大学与纽约州立大学环境科学及森林管理学院共享部分设施。校园周边有一家喜来登酒店和高尔夫球场,在纽约市及华盛顿特区也置有物业。 雪城大学始建于1870年,校内有不少百年建筑,其中不乏历史古迹。雪城大学约有来自75个国家的...
雪城大学(Syracuse University)是一所成立于1870年的私立大学,地处纽约州中部的雪城,雪城素有CENTRAL NEW YORK之称,是纽约州第四大城。治安良好,环境优美,湖光山色,是十分美丽的都市。校园面积为708英亩,其前身为由卫理公会于1832年成立的杰纳西卫斯理神学院。雪城大学为本科生提供各种留学机会,包括通过学校的海外中心...
雪城大学(Syracuse University)是一所成立于1870年的私立大学,地处纽约州中部的雪城,雪城素有CENTRAL NEW YORK之称,是纽约州第四大城。治安良好,环境优美,湖光山色,是十分美丽的都市。校园面积为708英亩,其前身为由卫理公会于1832年成立的杰纳西卫斯理神学院。雪城大学为本科生提供各种留学机会,包括通过学校的海外中心...
现觉及表演艺术学院College of Visual and Performing Arts 大学学院University College 研究生院The Graduate School 录取条件 本科生:托福80(提供双录取) 研究生:GPA3.0以上,托福90(传媒学院要求100以上),GRE1250,GMAT650 学习与生活费用 本科生:约49000美金/年(包括生活费) ...
arts, sciences and professional disciplines that prepares students for the complex challenges and emerging opportunities of a rapidly changing world. Students enjoy the resources of a 270-acre main campus and extended campus venues in major national metropolitan hubs and across three continents. Syracuse...
and to share this discovery with undergrads actively involved in that research and in the classroom. Programs are offered through the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, Human Development, Nursing, and the Visual and Performing Arts; and the Schools of Architecture, ...
No IELTS band under 6.0 College of Arts and Sciences: 6.5 Whitman School of Management: 7.0 School of Architecture: 7.0 S.I. Newhouse School of Communications: 7.0 (7.5 preferred) School of Education: 6.5 L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science: 6.5 ...
education home syracuse university ranked in 10 program s and 6 specialt ies overview rankings business law engineering education fine arts health library and information studies public affairs science social sciences and humanities add to list social sciences and humanities explore this school's social...
院系专业 本科学院 文理学院(College of Arts and Sciences)大学学院(University College)研究生学院 ...