put through one’s paces To require another to display the full range of his abilities; to test another’s resources to the utmost. Paces here refers to the training steps or gaits of horses. The equestrian phrase was first extended to persons called upon to perform at their maximum potentia...
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a bacteria calledTreponema pallidum.The diagnosis typically involves the combination of a non-treponemal and treponemal blood test, both of which detect antibodies produced by the body in response to the infection. A positive result from a...
mother of Artemis and Apollo. Leto had borne only two children, said Niobe, while she herself had fourteen fine sons and daughters. To punish the insult, Artemis and Apollo slew Niobe's children, and Niobe was transformed into a rock on a mountain also called Sipylus, located near the mo...
The first symptom of syphilis is a small sore called a chancre (SHANG-kur). The sore is usually firm, round, and painless. It is located where the syphilis bacteria enters your body, such as your penis, vagina, anus, rectum, lips, or mouth. Because it doesn’t hurt, some people nev...
The Easysweet Syphilis Rapid Test is a single-use rapid test strip for the qualitative detection of Treponema pallidum antibodies in whole blood, serum and plasma samples. It is intended for use in healthcare settings to help diagnose and manage patients associated with syphilis infection, as well...
This blood test is usually done during the first prenatal visit, but for pregnant women at high risk for syphilis, the screening may be repeated again during the third trimester. Men who have sex with men are advised to have a syphilis screening at least once a year or more frequently ...
Getting syphilis through a blood transfusion is very rare in the UK as all donations are screened for syphilis. Syphilis can be passed from mother to baby during pregnancy. This is called congenital syphilis. You cannot get syphilis through the saliva (e.g. kissing or sharing cutlery), ...
Since it is often called the "great imitator," the differential for neurosyphilis is exceptionally broad; however, the important considerations are as follows: Acute basal meningitis: when cranial nerve palsy is present, other causes of acute meningitis, as well as tuberculosis, should be considered...
do not progress to the final stage—called late, or tertiary, syphilis—but about one in four may be expected to do so. In about half the patients showing tertiary-stage symptoms, the disease is relativelybenign, but in the rest it is incapacitating or fatal. Almost any part of the bod...
Benign late syphilis is indicated by ulcerated lesions, calledgummas, of the skin, mucous membranes, bone, and other organs, particularly the liver, testes, and brain. These lesions are not infectious, and the termbenignis used because they usually do not endanger the patient’s life. ...