」-NickEH30 ▲SypherPK 和 NickEH30 二人在 Twitch 合體,為 Odyssey Universe 的正式上線造勢 1 探索 Odyssey Universe,發掘領先業界的創新設計 玩家一進入《Odyssey Universe》,映入眼簾的是雄偉的核心場景大廳,由此通往五個不同的異次元,而每 一個異次元,各設有一道關卡.此五大異次元按等級排列...
It’s long been said that the Twitch and YouTube star deserves his own skin in-game, and now Sypher himself has confirmed that it is on the way. He will be joining the likes ofNinja,Loserfruit,LeBronandAriana Grandein the Fortnite Icon Series, immortalised as a playable cosmetic O...
While the community seems satisfied with a maximum of these changes, the return of Pump Shotgun has been a glaring issue ever since. One of the biggest names to advocate the return of this weapon isTwitch streamerSypherPK. ADVERTISEMENT Article continues below this ad In a rece...
▲SypherPK和NickEH30二人在Twitch合體,為Odyssey Universe的正式上線造勢 探索Odyssey Universe,發掘領先業界的創新設計 玩家一進入《Odyssey Universe》,映入眼簾的是雄偉的核心場景大廳,由此通往五個不同的異次元,而每一個異次元,各設有一道關卡。此五大異次元按等級排列,分別為Ark、G9、G8、G7和G6,...