选择项“counit(numlist)”用于指定潜在的控制地区(即donor pool,其中counit表示 control units),默认为数据集中的除处理地区以外的所有地区。 选择项“xperiod(numlist)”用于指定将预测变量(predictors)进行平均的期间,默认为政策干预开始之前的所有时期(the entire pre-intervention period)。 选择项“mspeperiod()”用...
Stata: 合成控制法程序 合成控制法:一组文献 合成控制法简介及代码(需点击原文链接进行查看) 3. 合成控制法的 Stata 实现 3.1 命令安装 在Stata 命令窗口中输入如下命令即可自动安装synth命令: ssc install synth, replace 3.2 语法格式 synth的基本语法格式如下: synth depvar predictorvars(x1 x2 x3) , trunit(...
常用解决方法是,寻找适当的控制组(control group),即在各方面都与受干预地区相似却未受干预的其他地区,以作为处理组(treated group,即受到干预的地区)的反事实替身(counterfactuals)。 比如,要考察仅在 A 市实施的某政策效果,自然会想到以之相近的 B 市作为控制地区;但 B 市毕竟与 A 市不完全相同。或可用其他城...
allsynth: Synthetic Control Bias-Correction Utilities for Stata Justin C. Wiltshire University of California, Davis August 5, 2021 Prepared for 2021 Stata Conference I introduce a new community-contributed stata package: allsynth allsynth is built on the synth package and adds functionality In this...
Stata implementation, principally written in Mata. This package extends the funcionality of the original R package, allowing very simply for estimation in contexts with staggered adoption over multiple treatment periods (as well as in a single adoption period as in the original code). Some further...
synthetic dataset, confidence interval overlap was used [98]. All analyses were performed using STATA/MP 15.1 (StataCorp., College Station, TX). Privacy assessment To quantify the privacy risks in the synthetic data we evaluated attribution disclosure risk [42]. This privacy assessment is designed...
README Code of conduct MIT license Security Sparse Synthetic Controls SparseSC is a package that implements an ML-enhanced version of Synthetic Control Methodologies, which introduces penalties on the both feature and unit weights. Specifically it optimizes these two equations: γ 0 = ‖ Y T −...
stata.toc Move everything to public repo 8年前 synth_runner.pkg udpate synth package date 7年前 README MIT synth_runner Installation Usage Help Contributing synth_runner Automation for multiple Synthetic Control estimations in Stata. Installation ...
The study examines the impact of Eurasian integration at aggregate country and industry levels using the gravity model of trade and the synthetic control m
code data/estimates deliverables fig literature log/do writeups .editorconfig .gitattributes .gitignore CHANGELOG.md README.md makefile stata.toc synth_runner.pkg synth_runner.stpr Repository files navigation README synth_runner Automation for multiple Synthetic Control estimations in Stata. ...