dc_shell-t> set_input_delay -max 4 -clock Clk [get_ports A] 3. 寄存器到输出 Untitled dc_shell-t> set_output_delay -max 5.4 -clock Clk [get_ports B] 6.2.3 DRC 约束 物理约束 set_max_transition 是约束 design 中的信号、端口、net 最大 transition 转换时间不能超过这个值,当...
Synthesis Optimization - 综合优化,来自synopsys
syn_preserve: prevents sequential optimization such as FSM extraction, etc. loc: specify pin location syn_encoding: VHDL enumerated data type encoding style; support 1-hot, gray and binary syn_hier: control the amount of hierarchical transformation syn_maxfan: control fanout of a port net or re...
6.6 DC 脚本举例 # run_nor2.tclsh date # 显示开始时间# 移除DC中原有的设计remove_design -designs# 下面是库的设置,对应图形界面操作的2### set library ###setsynthetic_libraray [list/data/eda/synopsys/syn2019/libraries/syn/dw_foundation.sldb]setsearch_path [list/home/jiexxpu2/ncnnAccel/smic...
Thereafter, we can calcu- late the output image feature O of this RCA layer by: \mathcal {O}=\text {softmax}(\widehat {\mathcal {M}})V. \label {eq3} (3) After applying softmax, the rectified attention map be- comes a binary map with the spatial distribution similar to the ...
collection all_drc_violated_nets -max_capacitance | -max_transition | -max_fanout [input_coll] [-bound upper] [-threshold threshold] all_fanin Reports pins, ports, or cells in the fanin of specified sinks. collection all_fanin -to sink_list [-startpoints_only] [-exclude_bboxes] [-...
Human-centric Indoor Scene Synthesis Using Stochastic Grammar Siyuan Qi1 Yixin Zhu1 Siyuan Huang1 Chenfanfu Jiang2 Song-Chun Zhu1 1 UCLA Center for Vision, Cognition, Learning and Autonomy 2 UPenn Computer Graphics Group Abstract We present a human-centric method to sample and syn- thesize 3D...
and Chenliang Xu2 1NEC Laboratories America, 2University of Rochester {renqiang,kaili}@nec-labs.com, {zhiheng.li,chenliang.xu}@rochester.edu Abstract Although progress has been made for text-to-image syn- thesis, previous methods fall short of generalizing to unseen...
Novel-View Acoustic Synthesis Changan Chen1,3 Alexander Richard2 Roman Shapovalov3 Vamsi Krishna Ithapu2 Natalia Neverova3 Kristen Grauman1,3 Andrea Vedaldi3 1University of Texas at Austin 2Reality Labs Research at Meta 3FAIR, Meta AI Abstract We introduce the novel-view acoustic synthesis (...
Bundy. Logic program syn- thesis via proof planning. In K. K. Lau and T. Clement, editors, Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation, pages 1-14. Springer-Verlag, 1993. Also available as Max-Planck- Institut fu篓r Informatik Report MPI-I-92-244 and Edinburgh DAI Research Report 603....