Implementation and Synthesis of Math Library Functions 修订(2024.4.9):今天看了Pavel在POPL上的报告(,很值得看一看,了解下作者的视角。 数学库是编程语言生态里很重要的部分。在实现数学函数时,很重要的一个概念是approx:我们常常无...
Two-dimensional (2D) protein films can be used to modify the properties of surfaces, and find applications predominantly in the fields of biomaterials, lithography, optics and electronics. However, it is difficult to produce scalable homogeneous and robu
Soriano, S., Escudero-Casao, M., Matheu, M. I., Díaz, Y. & Castillón, S. Substrate-regiocontrolled synthesis of enantioenriched allylic amines by palladium-catalysed asymmetric allylic amination: formal synthesis of fagomine. Adv. Synth. Catal. 358, 4057–4066 (2016). Article CAS Google...
IEEEXplore IEEEXplore (全网免费下载) ResearchGate 查看更多 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献speech compression based on frequency warped cepstrum and wave1et ana1ysis Imai, S.: Cepstral analysis synthesis on the mel frequency scale. In: IEEE International Conference on Aco...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 363, 1989, Logic at Botik'89, Springer-Verlag, 81–90.Clarke E.M., Grumberg O., Kurshan R.P.: A synthesis of two approaches for verifying finite state concurrent systems. J. Log. Comput. 2 (5), 605–618 (1992) MathSciNet MATH View Article...
J. Log. Program. 41 (2–3), 197–230 (1999) MATH View Article MathSciNetPettorossi, A., Proietti, M.: Synthesis and Transformation of Logic Programs using Unfold/fold Proofs. Journal of Logic Programming 41, 197–230 (1999) MATH MathSciNet...
特别是,rf \mathcal lognorm(0.00, 1.00) 在多种设置下表现一致良好,超过了标准矫正流公式。 5.2 提升模态特定表示 \quad 本节着重于应用上述公式于高分辨率文本到图像合成。提升了自动编码器的性能,并采用了合成标题以改善文本表示。同时,比较了不同变压器基础扩散背景与新的MM-DiT架构。 5.2.1 改进的自动编码...
补充:JavaScript 的核心语法部分相当精简,只包括两个部分:基本的语法构造(比如操作符、控制结构、语句)和标准库(就是一系列具有各种功能的对象比如Array、Date、Math等)。除此之外,各种宿主环境提供额外的 API(即只能在该环境使用的接口),以便 JavaScript 调用。
我自己的理解是,扩散模型中的 class-conditional image synthesis 是指在生成图像时,需要提供图像类别的...
et al. Spectroscopic signatures of localization with interacting photons in superconducting qubits. Science 358, 1175–1179 (2017). Article ADS MathSciNet Google Scholar Kandala, A. et al. Hardware-efficient variational quantum eigensolver for small molecules and quantum magnets. Nature 549, 242–...