FASEL 为许多真空管制造商提供各类的变压器,也曾被用于 Vox 的吉他音箱。Luigi Lorenzon 接手父亲的事业后,决定「扩大营业」,另开一家公司,专司真空管扩大机制造,这就是 Synthesis Art in Music 的起源。正因为有着与 FASEL 专业变压器厂的密切关联,而变压器又是胆机的灵魂,所以才说 Synthesis 是硬底子的胆机厂。
欣赏Synthesis(声士)ACTION 40 VIRTUS电子管合并机,犹如欣赏意大利写实派油画家利维奥.莫日纳的作品,他的笔触他的画面感在写实与写意之间融合,不仅真实还唯美动人并且充满诗意。正如厂家的口号"Synthesis Art in Music”一样, Synthesis(声士)的理想,不止追求音色,更追求优雅的设计和外观,真正做到了“艺术融合音乐”...
意大利胆机 Synthesis 的全名是「Synthesis Art in Music」,充分显示了他们对音乐重播的重视。他们做好产品的秘密,就在于严谨的手工生产制程。如果你也喜欢这种职人工艺,一定要留意 Synthesis。 Roma 96DC 是 Synthesis 旗下相对比较入门的真空管合并扩大机,机体小,不占空间,面板还有多色可选,另展一番活泼气质。Roma...
厂家的口号"Synthesis Art in Music”表达了Synthesis/声士的理想,不止追求音色,更追求优雅的设计和外观。秉承意大利制造的精神,天然和人造材料的组合,让音乐与时尚结合。这种对手工设计的诠释只能通过意大利人的天赋和品位才能实现。形状,材料,饰面,技术都融合了厂家一贯不变的宗旨:用设计和声音丰富您的生活质量。
厂家的口号"Synthesis Art in Music”表达了Synthesis/声士的理想,不止追求音色,更追求优雅的设计和外观。秉承意大利制造的精神,天然和人造材料的组合,让音乐与时尚结合。这种对手工设计的诠释只能通过意大利人的天赋和品位才能实现。形状,材料,饰面,技术都融合了厂家一贯不变的宗旨:用设计和声音丰富您的生活质量...
Modern software synthesizers, such as ZynAddSubFX [4], combine additive and sample-based syn- thesizers with a variety of filters, allowing the user greater flexibility in creating the types of musical sounds they want to hear. This represents the state of the art in music synthesis. All ...
Sound synthesis and processing has been the most active research topic in the field of sound and music computing for more than 40 years. Quite a number of the early research results are now standard components of many audio and music devices and new technologies are continuously being developed ...
Uniting the science of computers and the art of music : a synthesis made possible by MIDI in computer music applications : masters degree thesis on the development of a MIDI sequencer, "SONATA" / 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 14
change- undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
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