BSN BSN® SYNTHA-6® Protein Crisp - Vanilla Marshmallow海淘折扣及返利。更多正品保健品海淘,请访问米饭粒。
Syntha-6 的营养成分不是一般的多,看看这营养成分表就可以略知一二了。还是从最重要的蛋白质开始。再次强调一下,Syntha-6不是一款100%的乳清蛋白粉,虽然蛋白质组成中分离乳清蛋白粉和浓缩乳清蛋白粉的比例相对较高,但是在整个“ProteinMatrix”中还有酪蛋白,分离牛奶蛋白,鸡蛋蛋白和麸醯胺酸胜肽。多种不同的蛋白...
Syntha-6 Protein by BSNKevin Staab
2个报价 BSN, SYNTHA-6健身健美必备全效乳清蛋白粉, 5.4 lbs (2.29 kg) 323~344元 历史价 最高47.99美元 最低47.99美元 by 海淘网haitao.com18.5.2347.99 海淘网APP提供降价提醒下载APP +选择图片 优惠券 提交发布 写长篇笔记 Vitacost Vitacost 4.5%返利 限时额外8折Vitacost:Bobs Red Mill 鲍勃红磨坊烘焙...
2个报价 BSN, SYNTHA-6健身健美必备全效乳清蛋白粉, 5.4 lbs (2.29 kg) 323~344元 历史价 最高47.99美元 最低47.99美元 by 海淘网haitao.com18.5.2347.99 海淘网APP提供降价提醒下载APP +选择图片 优惠券 提交发布 写长篇笔记 Vitacost Vitacost 4.5%返利 限时额外8折Vitacost:Bobs Red Mill 鲍勃红磨坊烘焙...
BSN SYNTHA-6 乳清蛋白 產品成分每一匙/一份(47克)BSN SYNTHA-6 乳清蛋白中,含有22克的蛋白質、15克碳水化合物和10克必需胺基酸,約200大卡。 其中蛋白質為6種不同蛋白質混合而成:濃縮乳清蛋白(whey protein concentrate) 乳清分離蛋白(whey protein isolate) 酪蛋白酸鈣(calcium caseinate) 膠束酪蛋白(micellar...
BSN, Syntha-6 Edge, Performance Series Drink Mix, 24 g Protein Powder with Whey Protein, Chocolate Milkshake, 4.23 lb, 48 Servings Powerful Protein Shake Mix: Give yourself an edge with this protein supplement that gives your recovery the performance edge you need to achieve your health...
Ultra-Premium Protein. Ultra-Premium Taste.™ Syntha-6™ Product Highlights: Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix Excellent Source of Fiber, Contains 6g of Fat per serving Naturally Occurring BCAAs and other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids. ...
SYNTHA-6 ™ INGREDIENT HIGHLIGHTS: Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix Naturally Occurring BCAAs and other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids MCTs, EFAs, Glutamine Peptides, and Fiber Zero Milligrams of Aspartame Stack with NITRIX® 2.0, N.O.-XPLODE™2.0 AND CELLMASS® 2.0 ...
ULTRA-PREMIUM PROTEIN. ULTRA-PREMIUM TASTE™Syntha-6™ Ingredient Highlights: Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix MCTs, EFAs, Glutamine Peptides, and Fiber Naturally Occurring BCAAs and other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids Zero Milligrams of Aspartame Stack with NITRIX® 2.0, ...