作为一款免费插件,Synth1 在国内似乎并不为人所熟知,然而这货却是几年来国外下载最多的 VST 合成器插件之一。除了免费之外,Synth1 也是最好的 Nord Lead 2 模拟插件。 Nord Lead 这个独特的 VA 合成器,可以说是最酷的合成器之一,尤其是 Nord Lead 2X 上的滤波器更是让人垂涎三尺。Synth1 是一种免费体验...
Discover Synth1 Software Synthesizer free synth plugin by Daichi Laboratory. Download for free, check reviews and specifications.
Synth1 Librarian is a free VST plugin designed to accompany Ichiro Toda’s Synth1 Analog Synth VST instrument. It allows you to quickly find patches within your patch library – useful when you have over 17,000 patches! Here’s a video explaining what it is, and how it works:(...
Hi briandc. I have Synth1 running perfectly smooth with a configuration similar to yours, but with Reaper and wineasio. I know that Reaper is propietary software, but in not expensive, plus it has really good VSTis support under Linux. I have regular Ubuntu 12.04 with KXStudio repositories...
描述:使用各种滤波器,延迟,合唱,法兰和混响重新处理VST合成声音。 Tag: 空间 扭曲 飞船 相位 攻击 空间攻击2 by Schmaddio 来源Freesound 详情 下载 wav 6.4 MB 5602 kbps ... 描述:使用各种滤波器,延迟,合唱,法兰和混响重新处理VST合成声音。 Tag: 飞船 超空间 扭曲 空间 外形 移相器 FXs包 " 合...
描述:充满弹性的钢鼓声音的合成器线索,带有一点平移、混响和延迟。使用Z3ta vst制作 Tag:130 bpmHouse LoopsSynth Loops2.48 MBwavKey : C 来源Freesound 详情下载 wav2.7 MB2831 kbps... 描述:一个很酷的恍惚(合成)循环,有一个有弹性的感觉 请在下面评论您的工作!我真的很感激。 soundcloud.com/emceecisco...
44:! W0aW ! 45:Hard PAD 46:Mega BAD PAD 47:Intro Trance 48:Tranze Gate 49:Comic TRASH 50:Duble Stup 51:Chip melody: 8 bit chip tune style arp 52:Speed City 53:Nintendox 54:Elektrok 55:Squared 56:MonaSquare 57:Hard Lead2
24 bit wav sample pack version, to use in any DAW or sampler ALL VERSIONS COME BUNDLED WITH AN ADDITIONAL 1GB FREE SAMPLES (DRUMS, DRUM LOOPS, ONE SHOTS, FX, BASS HITS) AND A FREE CHORUS VST! Check out the full feature list, sound demos, and videos below....
BEST VST FOR IOS PERIOD! First off I’m a musician not a sound engineer for movies or anything for that matter. With 400+ presets, and not like some lame presets that you’ll get from other apps which all sounds very similar and the only way to get that sound you’re looking for...
默认情况下,CubicPadSynth采用Base Freq设置的基频。 CubicPadSynth是适用于Windows,macOS(未测试)和Linux的VST3插件。 免费下载:https://ryukau.github.io/VSTPlugins/manual/CubicPadSynth/CubicPadSynth_en.html 请看介绍视频(原视频地址:https://youtu.be/9KKsuL9AFJ8)...