6KSFX Synth Dataset: Code for trimming, down-mixing, and labeling sound samples in the dataset, designed for streamlined audio processing and analysis - nellyngz95/6KSFX
snapshot_download(repo_id="juliozhao/DocSynth300K", local_dir="./docsynth300k-hf", repo_type="dataset", resume_download=True) ``` ### 数据准备 & 预训练 如果想要进行DocSynth300K预训练, 首先使用 ```format_docsynth300k.py``` 将原始数据集的 ```.parquet``` 格式转换成 ```YOLO``` ...
合成方法follow "The Face Synthetics dataset" 方法: 重光照微调方法就是增强diffusion的unet的输入通道数,将原始图像,光照环境图(背景图)和latent拼接输进去。环境图用tone mapping将高动态范围变为低动态范围。 训练时进行多任务学习,在学习重光照的同时还用真实人像数据集训练文生图,这个就是将原始图像和光照背景输...
10. Traditional Chinese Medicine Dataset SFT 中医诊断数据集 该数据集包含约 1GB 的中医各个领域临床案例、名家典籍、医学百科、名词解释等优质内容。数据集主要由非网络来源的内部数据构成,99% 为简体中文内容,质量优异,信息密度可观,适用于预训练或继续预训练用途。
In this example, synth_runner conducts all the estimations and inference. Because there was only a single treatment period, we can save the output into the dataset. Then we can create the various graphs. Note the option trlinediff allows the offset of a vertical treatment line. Likely options...
通过这个案例,你能清楚地看到 SynthScars 数据集带来的改变:它让新闻媒体在面对海量图片时,能够快速、准确地辨别真假,守护新闻的真实性。 更多免费 的数据集,请打开:遇见数据集 遇见数据集-让每个数据集都被发现,让每一次遇见都有价值。www.selectdataset.com/...
Click to add a brief description of the dataset (Markdown and LaTeX enabled). Provide: a high-level explanation of the dataset characteristics explain motivations and summary of its content potential use cases of the datasetHomepage Benchmarks Edit No benchmarks yet. Start a new benchmark or...
The HOI-Synth benchmark extends three egocentric datasets designed to study hand-object interaction detection, EPIC-KITCHENS VISOR, EgoHOS, and ENIGMA-51, with automatically labeled synthetic data obtained through a novel HOI generation pipeline....
The Perceived Emotion of Isolated Synthetic Audio: The EmoSynth Dataset and Resultsdoi:10.1145/3243274.3243277Alice BairdEmilia Parada-CabaleiroCameron FraserSimone HantkeBjrn SchullerACMAudio Mostly Conference
Click to add a brief description of the dataset (Markdown and LaTeX enabled). Provide: a high-level explanation of the dataset characteristics explain motivations and summary of its content potential use cases of the dataset