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syntectonic pluton 同构造深成岩体 相似单词 syntectonic 同构造的 最新单词 duskily是什么意思及反义词 ad. 微暗的,微黑的 dusk的意思 n.[U] 薄暮,傍晚,黄昏 a. 微暗的 v.[T,I] 使微暗 durylene的中文翻译及音标 四甲代对亚苯基 durum是什么意思及反义词 n. 小麦的一种 durst的中文意思 dar...
...s) ,接受(火山) 沉积后,在造山阶段中 经历了褶皱和相关的其它同构造(syntectonic) 变形 变质事件而形成的稳定化的线形区。|基于7个网页 3. 同构造期的 石油英语词汇(S8)--石油百科 ... syntectonic shear zone 同构造期剪切带syntectonic同构造期的syntex error 语法错误 ... ...
Syntectonic Unconformity Development, Facies Stacking Patterns, and Unroofing History Recorded in Upper Cretaceous Synorogenic Growth Strata, Cordilleran Foreland Basin, Southern NevadaCretaceousNevadaCalgaryBasin SystemsDrainage BasinsAlluvial FansAlluvial Fan...
2) syndepositional structure 同沉积构造 1. Sand control and oil control effect of syndepositional structure in Jiyang depression; 济阳坳陷同沉积构造的控砂、控油作用 2. Based on analyzing syndepositional structure of Tiefa basin,the vertical and transversal syndepositional tectonic-units were set ...
4) syntectonic recrystallization 同构造再结晶 5) synorogene 同造山期作用 6) syntectonic magmatism 同构造岩浆作用 补充资料:多期变质作用 一个变质地区内,两个不同变质时期相互叠加的区域变质作用。如加里东期区域变质作用叠加在华力西期区域变质作用之上。假如一个多期变质作用中各期区域变质作用,分属不同的变...
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A multidisciplinary study of a syntectonic pluton close to a major lithospheric-scale fault—Relationships between the Montmarault granitic massif and the Sillon Houiller Fault in the Variscan French Massif Central: 2. Gravity, aeromagnetic investigations, and 3-D geologic modeling Authors: Aurore ...