ansible playbook with_items 缩进问题导致的错误 ERROR: Syntax Error while loading YAML script [root@comk Desktop]# cat adduser.yaml - name: add users remote_user: root hosts: webservers tasks: - name: add users user: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - testuser1 - testuser2 ...
Advanced playbook syntax Unsafe or raw strings YAML anchors and aliases: sharing variable values Manipulating data Protecting sensitive data with Ansible vault Using Ansible modules and plugins Using Ansible collections Using Ansible on Windows and BSD Ansible tips and tricks Contributing to Ansible Ansib...
g:ansible_ftdetect_filename_regex let g:ansible_ftdetect_filename_regex = '\v(playbook|site|main|local|requirements)\.ya?ml$' Accepts a regex string that is used to match the filename to determine if the file should use the Ansible filetype ...
ansible-playbookERROR!SyntaxError ansible-playbook执行后语法错误ERROR!SyntaxErrorwhile loading YAML.的分析。 ansible playbook 原创 Mengix 2019-04-26 12:15:21 1856阅读 Syntaxerrormissing ; before * 【问题】 I have a header file like so: #pragma once #include "gamestate.h" #include "ExitListener...
t].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:{{ hostvars[host].ansible_processor_vcpus }} There are two things I could do to resolve the issue: Drop theslotspart out of thecluster-hostsfile entirely, and rely onmpirunchoosing the correct number of cores. ...
job: Developer skill: Elite employed: True foods: - Apple - Orange - Strawberry - Mango languages: perl: Elite python: Elite pascal: Lame education: | 4 GCSEs 3 A-Levels BSc in the Internet of Things That’s all you really need to know about YAML to start writing Ansible playbooks. ...
notable yaml names recognized by ansible like site.yml or site.yaml yaml files having playbook in their filename: *playbook*.yml or *playbook*.yaml Additionally, in VS Code, you can add persistent file association for language to settings.json file like this: { ... "files.associations": ...
---name:Using values nested inside dictionaryhosts:localhostvars:webapp:version:&my_version1.0custom_name:-"ToDo_App"-*my_versiontasks:-name:Using Anchor valueansible.builtin.debug:msg:My app is called "{{ webapp.custom_name | join('-') }}". You...