syntax-case 的发明者是 chez-scheme 的作者 Kent,据他所说,syntax-case 的功能比 syntax-rules 要强很多。强大自然也要有相应的代价,那就是很难写。参考资料【10】中是这样说的: syntax-case 非常强大,既可以支持高级宏,也可以支持过程宏,并且可以处理卫生和不卫生。 但是强大的代价是这个宏系统非常复杂,理解...
对于syntax-rules(),The Scheme Programming Language 上面是这样描述的:While it is much less expressive than syntax-case, it is sufficient for defining many common syntactic extension。也就是说,它的表达能力是远弱于 syntax-case 的。syntax-case 在 r6rs 是标准实现所要求的,但是在 r7rs small 中被废除...
syntax-rules的能力是受限的,不能引入新的syntax-object,只能写一些简单的宏.但是用syntax-rules写出来的宏肯定比用syntax-case或define-macro写的更优雅. syntax-case完全不受限制,扩展能力与传统lisp宏(defmacro)是一样的,但由于它自带模式匹配功能,所以写起来会更方便,至少quasiquote,unquote,unquote-splicing少了很...
网络语法;句法学;语法学 复数:syntaxes 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 syntax n. 1. 句法;句法规则the way that words and phrases are put together to form sentences in a language; the rules of grammar for this 2. 句法;语构the rules that state how words and phrases must be used in a co...
Definition of syntax in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is syntax? Meaning of syntax as a legal term. What does syntax mean in law?
Find out the definition, basic rules, and types of syntax so you can communicate effectively, including some syntax examples.
1. 逻辑表达可以是简单逻辑变量或的复杂逻辑测验,后者涉及多变量,常量,功能算子和逻辑算子。逻辑表达和分配表达都可以用任何数字或串计算功能,可以转换(见改造表现compue)p.51 2. 应该用圆括号结束逻辑表达. 圆括号也能在逻辑表达内使用使操作命令具体化。可以用空白或括号外使表达更容易阅读.3. 一...
Follow these rules when you code SMP/E commands: SMP/E input is case-sensitive. Use uppercase letters to enter all SMP/E keywords. Enter operands in the same case as the intended operand values. Enter the text within a comment in any case you prefer. ...
R Syntax Rules Within an R program block, only statements and functions recognized by R are allowed. R syntax rules differ fromIBM® SPSS® Statisticssyntax rules in a number of ways: R is case-sensitive. This includes variable names, function names, and pretty much anything else you can...