Command to extract pager attribute from Active Directory Command to fetch a list of particular job title Command to find out office bit version for remote computers Command to goto start of script Command to retrieve response header information when using Invoke-Restmethod Command Window Stuck In Ins...
As cd is a shell builtin, it can't be executed as a sudo command. When I do that: @task def test(ctx): """ test command """ with'my/path'):"pwd") # Show correct path ctx.sudo("whoami") # fails with: sudo: cd: command not...
file prompt file prompt To specify the level of prompting, use the file prompt command in global configuration mode. file prompt [alert | noisy | quiet] Syntax Description alert noisy quiet (Optional) Prompts only for destructive file operations. This is the default. (Optional) Confirms all ...
How do I get the SID value from whoami /all? How do i get the status of running COM+ application of remote servers using powershell How do I get to use the ADFS powershell cmdlets in server 2012 R2 How do I get video file duration in powershell script How do I give PowerShell acc...
How do I get the SID value from whoami /all? How do i get the status of running COM+ application of remote servers using powershell How do I get to use the ADFS powershell cmdlets in server 2012 R2 How do I get video file duration in powershell script How do I give PowerShell acc...
How do I get the SID value from whoami /all? How do i get the status of running COM+ application of remote servers using powershell How do I get to use the ADFS powershell cmdlets in server 2012 R2 How do I get video file duration in powershell script How do I give PowerShell acc...
How do I get the SID value from whoami /all? How do i get the status of running COM+ application of remote servers using powershell How do I get to use the ADFS powershell cmdlets in server 2012 R2 How do I get video file duration in powershell script How do I give PowerShell acc...
How do I get the SID value from whoami /all? How do i get the status of running COM+ application of remote servers using powershell How do I get to use the ADFS powershell cmdlets in server 2012 R2 How do I get video file duration in powershell script How do I give PowerShell ...