错误TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined 通常表明你的代码尝试访问一个未定义(undefined)对象的 prototype 属性。在 JavaScript 中,prototype 属性是函数对象特有的,用于实现基于原型的继承。如果你尝试在一个非函数类型的 undefined 值上访问 prototype,就会抛出这个错误。 2. 常见原因 引用错误:...
/***@describe使用concat,超出时间限制*@param{Array}arr*@param{number}depth*@return{Array}*/varflat =function(arr, n) {if(n ==0)returnarrreturnarr.reduce((prev, cur, index, arr) =>{returnprev.concat(curinstanceofArray?flat(cur, n -1) : cur)}, [])}; /***@describe使用push,通过...
function decorateCJSErrorWithTSMessage(originalStack, newMessage) { let index; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { index = StringPrototypeIndexOf(originalStack, '\n', index + 1); } return StringPrototypeSlice(originalStack, 0, index) + '\n' + newMessage + StringPrototypeSlice(originalSt...
Function.prototype.apply,传递一个参数数组,调用一个函数,并把数组中的每一项拆分成单个参数传递给函数: Math.min // ES5 的写法Math.max.apply(null, [14,3,77])// ES6 的写法Math.max(...[14,3,77])// 等同于Math.max(14,3,77); push // ES5 的写法vararr1 = [0,1,2];vararr2 = [3,...
In the example below thememcpy()function enables the copying of the substring “world!” from thestrarray to thebufferarray. However, since the source and destination regions overlap, the function’s behavior is not defined, and the program may produce unexpected results. ...
getNumber: function() { return number; } } })(42); console.log(fn.getNumber());Difference of function expressions and function declarations Arrow function do save us a few lines of code and characters ,but the real purpose of the arrow funcion is to handlethe this keyword within funct...
This also includes providing the basic functionality from the prototype Array, which includes for now these functions: Array<T>.concat(otherArray: Array<T>) -> Array<T>: Joins together the existing array and the otherArray (in that order), and creates a new shallow copy of both arrays. ...
break as catch switch case if throw else var number string get module type instanceof typeof public private enum export finally for while void null super this new in return true false any extends static let package implements interface function new try yield const continue do 1 2 3 4 5 6...
Arrow Function.md Arrow Functions The basic syntax of an arrow function is as follows var fn = data => data; The code means : var fn = function( data ) { return data; } let getNumber = () => ; console.log(typeof getNumber); ...
define([ 'jquery', 'classes/SomeParentClass', ], function($, SomeParentClass){ function ThisClass(data){ SomeParentClass.call(this, data); this.init = function(data){ //Do stuff } this.init(data); } ThisClass.prototype = Object.create(SomeParentClass.prototype); ThisClass.prototype.cons...