The context format (-c) is adiffcommand option that outputs several lines of context around the lines that differ. To display the difference between the files in the context form, use the command: diff -c example1.txt example2.txtCopy The output includes: The first two lines. They display...
diff=$((end-start)) echo "diff time is: $diff" #> 3time to get the time of execuating a command or the resource using by this command #to check how long time a command used # time cmd|script # real time: #The CPU time consumed by this cmd|script's process. # real time ...
. I found an Oracle ksh man page that says some aliases are "compiled into the shell but can be unset or redefined", and lists source='command .' . However, the standard Linux man ksh page does not mention source at all. If those two code fragments are being treated differently, ...
<cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64 @ 140489403375880>, <cp36-abi3-manylinux2010_x86_64 @ 140489403377032>, <cp36-abi3-manylinux1_x86_64 @ 140489403379656>, <cp36-abi3-linux_x86_64 @ 140489403461704>, <cp36-none-manylinux2010_x86_64 @ 140489403461832>, <cp36-none-many...
{"eventName":"java/found","properties":{"editor":"Visual Studio Code","platform":"linux","java.majorversion":"11","java.vendor":"openjdk"},"measurements":{"sinceActivated":1.196}} 2024-06-19T17:42:55.026+02:00 DEBUG: JavaFinder: Used the "command -v java" Linux command to locate...
Delta also handles unified diff format, e.g.diff -u a.txt b.txt | delta. For Mercurial, you can add delta, with its command line options, to the[pager]section of.hgrc. How delta works If you configure delta in gitconfig as above, then git will automatically send its output to delta...
A workflow is a configurable automated process made up of one or more jobs. You must create a YAML file to define your workflow configuration. In this article About YAML syntax for workflows name run-name on on.<event_name>.types on.<pull_request|pull_request_target>.<branches|branches-ign...
The general form of an rpm build command is rpmbuild{-bSTAGE|-tSTAGE} [(1)rpmbuild-options]FILE... The argument used is-bif a spec file is being used to build the package and-tifrpmbuildshould look inside of a (possibly compressed) tar file for the spec file to use. After the fi...
To select runners that meet certain criteria, such as operating system or architecture, provide an array of labels that begins with self-hosted (this must be listed first) and then includes additional labels as needed. Beispiel runs-on: [self-hosted, linux] Weitere Informationen findest Du ...
Pushes to new branches:A two-dot diff against the parent of the ancestor of the deepest commit pushed. Diffs are limited to 300 files. If there are files changed that aren't matched in the first 300 files returned by the filter, the workflow will not run. You may need to create ...