x=True, y=False x and y returns False or Checks for only one condition x=True, y=False x or y returns True not Reverse the output of the boolean value not x returns FalseIdentity Operators in PythonPython identity operators are used to compare the memory location of two objects.x = [...
=y#大小比较,集合子集或超集值相等性操作符491 < a < 3#Python中允许连续比较50x|y, x&y, x^y#位或、位与、位异或51x<<y, x>>y#位操作:x左移、右移y位52+, -, *, /, //, %, **#真除法、floor除法:返回不大于真除法结果的整数值、取余、幂运算53-x, +x, ~x#一元减法、识别、按位...