When the table was added in "." notation, ie t1.INVNO, then the error was Unknown table. How do you get a procedure to reference a specific table/fields in a data base? Also, for someone who knows what they are doing, it may be very obvious that more than that is wrong. Any ...
“syntax error, unexpected end_of_input, expecting ';' ”. google之,从官网上得到答案:http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/zh/stored-procedures.html#create-procedure 【出错原因】:默认情况下,mysql是以分号“;”作为一条SQL语句的提交标识符。当我们在编写Function,Store-Procedure,或者触发器的过程中,...
我在使用MySQL工具编写MySQL存储过程的时候,明明语法正确,但是却一直提示You have an error in your SQL syntax。 比如下面一段代码 1CREATEPROCEDUREdemo_pro()2BEGIN3DECLAREdoned BOOLEAN;4DECLAREaddrvarchar(20);5DECLAREdemo_curCURSORFORSELECTdetailfromaddress;6DECLARECONTINUEHANDLERFORNOTFOUNDSETdoned=True;7SE...
mysql>delimiter//mysql>CREATETRIGGERupd_checkBEFOREUPDATEONaccountFOREACHROWBEGINIFNEW.amount<0THENSETNEW.amount=0;ELSEIFNEW.amount>100THENSETNEW.amount=100;ENDIF;END;//mysql>delimiter; It can be easier to define a stored procedure separately and then invoke it from the trigger using a simpleCAL...
首先,我们需要创建一个存储过程,其中包含对临时表的操作。 ```sql CREATE PROCEDURE create_temp_table() BEGIN CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table ( id INT, name VARCHAR(50) ); END 上面的代码创建了一个名为`create_temp_table`的存储过程,其中用`CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE`语句创建了一个临时表`temp_table...
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'procedure,使用procedure作为字段名向mysql中插入值时报错,报错如下:解决方法:将procedure字段名替换为其他字段名报错原因:procedure类似为保留字...
mysql>delimiter//mysql>CREATETRIGGERupd_checkBEFOREUPDATEONaccountFOREACHROWBEGINIFNEW.amount<0THENSETNEW.amount=0;ELSEIFNEW.amount>100THENSETNEW.amount=100;ENDIF;END;//mysql>delimiter; It can be easier to define a stored procedure separately and then invoke it from the trigger using a simpleCAL...
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 6.0.4 release, and here's the changelog entry: It was not possible to execute statements with the "PROCEDURE ANALYSE" statement. A workaround was to remove the generated "LIMIT" clause. Thank you for the bug report.Legal...
Yes I did. I just copied the section that created the procedure in this post. The following lines preceed the CREATE statement. DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `BurialLine_getBurialLine`; DELIMITER $$ I then set the delimiter back to a semi-colon when done with the line: ...