1、第一个简单的for循环 #!/bin/bash for i in 1 2 3 4; do echo $i; done 2、测试for的自增长的循环: #!/bin/bash for ((i=1; i<=5; i++)) do echo $i; done 如果会报错,没有则跳过: Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 原因:代码对于标准bash而言没有错,因为Ubuntu为了加快开机速度...
出现这种错误是因为有些linux系统默认会使用ash进行编译shell脚本,我的机器就是这样,但是我写的脚本是应该用bash执行的。虽然我在开头注明了#!/bin/bash,好像它还是默认去找了ash,真是让人无奈。上网搜索了一下,找到两种解决方案:1、修改脚本 2、修改系统默认执行shell的工具 第一种的具体做法就是,原来的for循环...
Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 从ubuntu 6.10 开始,ubuntu 就将先前默认的bash shell 更换成了dash shell;其表现为 /bin/sh 链接倒了/bin/dash而不是传统的/bin/bash。 allen@allen-lql ~/workspace/script $ ls -l /bin/sh lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 12 14:29 /bin/sh -> dash 所以...
Use afor loopincasestatements when there are many expressions to process. The following example returns all file types inside adirectory: 1. Create the shell script: vi filelist.sh 2. Enter the following lines to the file: #!/bin/bash for file in $(ls) do Extension=${file##*.} case ...
Bash - syntax error: unexpected end of file when, Per the bash manual regarding here docs, If the redirection operator is <<-, then all leading tab characters are stripped from input lines and the line … Unexpected end of file causes syntax error in while loop ...
1. 解释什么是“syntax error: bad for loop variable”错误 "syntax error: bad for loop variable" 错误通常指的是在编写 for 循环时,循环变量(即用于控制循环次数的变量)的声明或使用方式不符合编程语言的语法规则。这种错误常见于Python、Bash脚本等支持 for 循环的编程语言中。由于这个错误提示较为通用,具体的...
/bin/bash 出现下面的错误,代表没bash命令,只需移植该命令即可。 方法1:移植bash命令 方法2:改用#!/bin/sh,有局限性,不推荐。 方法3:修改shell为bash shell脚本:Syntax error: Bad for loop variable错误解决方法(sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash 将默认shell更改为bash)...
shell脚本Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 在shell脚本中写for循环出现这个问题原因: 从 ubuntu 6.10 开始,ubuntu 就将先前默认的bashshell 更换成了dashshell;其表现为 /bin/sh链接倒了/bin/dash而不是传统的/bin/bash。解决办法:sudodpkg-reconfiguredash选择no出现如下: 接着运行: 显示成功 ...
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' bash: syntax error near unexpected token Error Now let us switch gears and check out ways in which you can resolve the above error. Fix 1: Use a Backslash to Escape Parenthesis If you insist on having a file name with parenthesis, the solution...
In Bash scripts, unexpected end of file error occurs due to structural mistakes such as incorrect syntax or missing keywords in the code. For example, if you have forgotten to end thefororwhileloop with proper structure then you may encounter such an error. Similarly, if you have missed a ...