I extracted the DSDT and SSDT files using F4 in Clover. I have supplied the resulting DSDT below. THese are the four errors I get when trying to compile in MACIasl. ALso I am using ACPI 5.1 in maciasl. 12891, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_NAMESEG, expecting '(' 12900, 6126...
Example: syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_NAMESEG, expecting ')' You may need ACPI 5.0, or it could be that you disassembled incorrectly. A bit hard to tell with no hardware details in your signature. You will get a better disassembly if you disassemble all at once... ...
18684, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_OPERATIONREGION 18992, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_INTEGER, expecting PARSEOP_CLOSE_PAREN 19154, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_NAMESEG 19155, 6126, syntax error, unexpected PARSEOP_STORE dsdt.dslUnavailable origin.rarUnava...