规范一点 O=5'b0,A=5'b1,B=5'b10,C=5'b100,D=5'b1001,E=5'b10010;
verilog 不支持你这样孤立的if(reset)你应该把你的if(reset) begin end放到下面的always里面。而always里面现在的code作为else. 另外应该用<=赋值,而不是=。=是给组合逻辑赋值的,你这里PCOUNT明显是个寄存器 always @(posedge CLK)if(reset)PCOUNT <= 0x00030;else PCOUNT <= NPC;
5,016 Views I cannot compile one of my verilog files in modelsim altera edition. I get this error using the global primitive. # ** Error: (390): near "b2v_inst1": syntax error, unexpected IDENTIFIER, expecting clocking global b2v_inst1( .in(LCLK1), .out...
** Error (suppressible): ../ips/hwpe-mac-engine/rtl/mac_ctrl.sv(34): (vlib-2388) 'evt_o' already declared in this scope (verilog). ** Error: (vlib-13069) ../ips/hwpe-mac-engine/rtl/mac_ctrl.sv(36): near "ctrl_streamer_o": syntax error, unexpected IDENTIFIER, expecting ')'...
verilog.vim verilogams.vim vgrindefs.vim vhdl.vim vim.vim viminfo.vim virata.vim vmasm.vim voscm.vim vrml.vim vroom.vim vsejcl.vim vue.vim wast.vim wdiff.vim wdl.vim web.vim webmacro.vim wget.vim wget2.vim whitespace.vim winbatch.vim wml.vim wsh.vim wsml.vim wvdial.vim xbl.vim ...
分享11赞 verilog吧 Linsklmx verilog 求助end这个p=5编译出错,near "=": syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting IDENTIFIER or TYPE_IDENTIFIER是什么意思?我在别的always块里也写了赋值语句,都没报错。还有一个是begin for(k=0;k<13;k=k+1)... 分享101 android开发吧 梦在哪里786 求大神解答关于正则...
I cannot compile one of my verilog files in modelsim altera edition. I get this error using the global primitive. # ** Error: (390): near "b2v_inst1": syntax error, unexpected IDENTIFIER, expecting clocking global b2v_inst1( .in(LCLK1), .out(g_lclk1_c0)); ...
规范一点 O=5'b0,A=5'b1,B=5'b10,C=5'b100,D=5'b1001,E=5'b10010;
Error: # # # # # # X:/modelsim/mini.v(106): count = (count \+ 1'b1); # ** Error: X:/modelsim/mini.v(106): near "=": syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting "IDENTIFIER" or "TYPE_IDENTIFIER" or ' #' or '('