vhdl用modelsim仿真出错 出现regfile_test.v(1): near "/": syntax e... 因为你的module结束时少写了一个endmodule,报错的那行对应相应的module 高速公路声屏障_端午节大促,淘宝好物先到先得! 高速公路声屏障_端午节大促好物限时购,上淘宝囤好物,吃粽子观龙舟,广告 在powerdesigner里面创建new model时为什么...
vhdl文件检查发现格式错误了,文件一般是用entity或者architecture之类的作为开头。也可以用use,library,package作为开头。你现在这个test. vhd 不符合这些要求。
aError (10500): VHDL syntax error at MUX81a.vhd(1) near text "module"; expecting "entity", or "architecture", or "use", or "library", or "package", or "configuration" 错误 (10500) : VHDL句法错误在MUX81a.vhd( 1) 在文本“模块”附近; 期望“个体”或者“建筑学”或者“用途”或者“图...
vhdl文件检查发现格式错误了,文件一般是用entity或者architecture之类的作为开头。也可以用use,library,package作为开头。你现在这个test. vhd 不符合这些要求。
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at cqg.vhd(33) near text "elsif"; expecting "end", or "(", or an identifier ("elsif" is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statementError (10500): VHDL syntax error at cqg.vhd(35) near text "if"; expecting "case"...
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at mux.vhd(5) near text "ENTITY"; expecting "(", or "'", or "."library ieee use ieee . std_logic_1164.all --- entity mux is port (a,b,c,d,s0,s1;in std_logic y:out std_logic) end l --- architecture pure_logic of mux isbegin y 相关...
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;ENTITY encode IS PORT (a : IN std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);c : OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0));END encode;ARCHITECTURE arch OF encode IS SIGNAL c_tmp : std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);BEGIN -...
1. 进程(PROCESS)进程内部经常使用IF,WAIT,CASE或LOOP语句。PROCESS具有敏感信号列表(sensitivity list),或者使用WAIT语句进行执行条件的判断。PROCESS必须包含在主代码段中,当敏感信号列表中的某个信号发生变化时(或者当WAIT语句的条件得到满足时),PROCESS内部的代码就顺序执行一次。语法结构如下:[label:...
【题目】Error (10500):VHDL syntax error at mur.vhd(5) near text "ENT IT Y"; expecting"(", or "", or "."library ieeeuse ieee . std_logic_1164.allentity mux isport (a,b,c,d,s0,s1;in std_logicy:out std_logic)end larchitecture pure_logic of mur isbegin ...