vhdl用modelsim仿真出错 出现regfile_test.v(1): near "/": syntax e... 因为你的module结束时少写了一个endmodule,报错的那行对应相应的module 高速公路声屏障_端午节大促,淘宝好物先到先得! 高速公路声屏障_端午节大促好物限时购,上淘宝囤好物,吃粽子观龙舟,广告 在powerdesigner里面创建new model时为什么...
aError (10500): VHDL syntax error at ymcs.vhd(9) near text "end"; expecting an identifier ("end" is a reserved keyword), or "constant", or "file", or "signal", or "variable" 错误(10500) : VHDL句法错误在ymcs.vhd (9)在文本“末端”附近; 期望标识符(“末端”是一个后备的主题词)...
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at cqg.vhd(31) near text ":="; expecting "then"Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at cqg.vhd(33) near text "elsif"; expecting "end", or "(", or an identifier ("elsif" is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement...
vhdl文件检查发现格式错误了,文件一般是用entity或者architecture之类的作为开头。也可以用use,library,package作为开头。你现在这个test. vhd 不符合这些要求。
END encode;ARCHITECTURE arch OF encode IS SIGNAL c_tmp : std_logic_vector(2 DOWNTO 0);BEGIN --PROCESS(a)--BEGIN c_tmp<="111"when a(6)='1' else--此处编译出错 "110"when a(5)='1' else "101"when a(4)='1' else "100"when a(3)='1' else "011"when a(2)...
amy froends dp always tell me that they see you drop the top my froends dp always tell me that they see you drop the top[translate] aError (10500): VHDL syntax error at DECL7S.vhd(12) near text ? 正在翻译,请等待... [translate]...
aError (10500): VHDL syntax error at szz.vhd(40) near text \"end\"; expecting an identifier (\"end\" is a reserved keyword), or \"constant\", or \"file\", or \"signal\", or \"variable 错误 (10500) : VHDL句法错误在szz.vhd( 40) 在文本\ “末端附近\”; 期望标识符 (\ “...
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at mux.vhd(5) near text "ENTITY"; expecting "(", or "'", or "."library ieee use ieee . std_logic_1164.all --- entity mux is port (a,b,c,d,s0,s1;in std_logic y:out std_logic) end l --- architecture pure_logic of mux isbegin y 相关...