5.Hawking Language's Syntax Features and Its Pragmatic Rhetoric Strategy叫卖语言的句法特点及语用修辞分析 6.SYNTACTIC FEATURES IN NAVIGATIONAL ENGLISH AND ITS ENLIGHTENMENT ON READING航海英语句法特点及其对阅读的启示 7.Syntactic Features of Legal English and Strategies of C-E Legal Translation;法律英语的...
Define syntactic. syntactic synonyms, syntactic pronunciation, syntactic translation, English dictionary definition of syntactic. or syn·tac·ti·cal adj. Of, relating to, or conforming to the rules of syntax. syn·tac′ti·cal·ly adv. American Heritag
Simple Syntactic and Morphological Processing Can Help English-Hindi Statistical Machine Translation This study deals with the translation of syntactic features in legal documents from Arabic into English. It aims to identify the syntactic features and to ... A Ramanathan,J Hegde,R Shah,... 被引量...
“Morphological Features for English”, J. Heikkil,SIMPR Document SIMPR-RUCL- 1990-13.2e, 1990. Google Scholar “Parsing and Constraint Grammar”, F. Karlsson, Unpublished paper. Research Unit for Computational Linguistics, University of Helsinki, 1990. ...
Expressions of reported speech, e.g. involving structures such as (1) and (2), tend to have several idiosyncratic features that distinguish them markedly from other construction types. (1) John said: “Look, there is marmalade here!” (2) John says that there was a typhoon yesterday. For...
Metaphor power and language typology: Analysis of correlation on the material of the United Nations Declarations The established approaches to language typology share the notion that the features used as a starting point for any classification are linguistic rather th... OA Leontovich,OI Kalinin,AV ...
网络释义 1. 句法构式 ...由两个或两个以上的音义(或形功)象征单位复合而成的句法构式(syntactic construction)设定为基本研究单位,这既符合认知语 …|基于2个网页 2. 句法组合 合句法,combining... ... ) syntactic synthesis 句法合成 )syntactic construction句法组合) legal sentential form ...
The Syntactic Features of Binomial Expressions in Legal English. Text [Australia: AAWP] nº. 4 (1-3) 123-41 (1984).The syntactic features of binomial expressions in legal English. Text 4, (1-3): 123-41.Gustafsson, M., 1984. The syntactic features of binomial expressions in legal ...
Syntactic Features of Legal Documents of Business English商务英语法律文献语法句法特征岑莉上海电力学院外语系vip中华现代教育