Bootstrapping the Syntactic Bootstrapper: Probabilistic Labeling of Prosodic Phrases 科技查新 收录引用 科研证明 科技查新 收录引用 期刊封面目录 文献服务 文献查询 自科基金查询 文献下载 个人文献会员 文献数据库 (团队版) 文献阅读 期刊订阅 文档翻译
The present study examined the longitudinal relations of brain and behavior from ages 6–7.5 years old to test the bootstrapping account of language development. Prior work suggests that children's vocabulary development is foundational for acquiring grammar (e.g., semantic bootstrapping) and that...
The Onset of Syntactic Bootstrapping in Word Learning: Evidence from a Computational Study Afra Alishahi Computational Linguistics and Phonetics Saarland University, Germany Pirita Pyykk¨onen Computational Linguistics and Phonetics Saarland University, Germany pirita@coli.uni-saar...