With the method, we could enrich Immediate Super-Ordinate (ISO) relations among synsets in the existing resources and make good use of them in the field of NLP. We also develop an automatic method to evaluate the semantic relations detected in our experiment with a machine-readable dictionary....
s1 and s2), from which I want to find the maximum path similarity score for each synset in s1 onto s2 with the length of output equal that of s1. For example, if s1 contains 4 synsets, then the length of output should be 4. ...
(NLP).Constructingthesemanticresourcesbyhandcanleadtogoodresults,butcosts alot.ThisarticleproposesaneffectivemethodtoautomaticallyconstructaWordNet-like resourcebasedonatraditionallexicaldatabase.Withthemethod,wecouldenrichthesemantic relationshipsintheexistingresourcesandmakethemamuchbetteruseinthefieldofNature Language...
Proceedings of the Coling/acl Workshop on Usage of Wordnet in Natural Language Processing SystemsGonzalo J, Verdejo F, Chugur I, Cigarran J. Indexing with WordNet synsets can improve text retrieval. In: Proc COLING/ACL '98 Workshop on Usage of WordNet for NLP, Uni- versity of Montreal...
We found that Watset works very well not just for synset induction, but for many other fuzzy clustering tasks, too. Please use a much faster and convenient implementation of Watset in Java:https://github.com/nlpub/watset-java. Citation ...
suitable for theapplicationof generalisations in NLP tasks, 3. compatiblewith other wordnets. The last concern, clearly quite down-to-earth, acknowledges the status of wordnets asde factostandard lexical resources, and emphasises the importance of inter-wordnet multilingual structures—see (Vossen2002...
SpacesIn statistical NLP, Semantic Vector Spaces (SVS) are the standard technique for the automatic modeling of lexical semantics. However, it is largely unclear how these black-box techniques exactly capture word meaning. To explore the way an SVS structures the individual occurrences of words, ...
In this paper, we discuss the possibility to expand Japanese WordNet using AutoExtend that can produce embedded vectors based on dictionary structure. Recently several kinds of NLP tasks showed that the distributed representations for words are effective, however, the word-embedded vectors constructed ...