普诺飞思为机器视觉开发了突破性的基于事件的视觉(Event-Based Vision)解决方案。这种新的视觉方法可显着降低功耗、延迟、及数据处理量,能够获得传统基于帧的传感器不能获取的内容。普诺飞思获得专利的 Metavision® 传感器和 AI 算法模仿人眼和大脑的工作方式,能够显着提高机器视觉在自动驾驶、工业自动化、物联网...
普诺飞思(Prophesee)是世界上最先进的神经拟态视觉系统的发明者。 普诺飞思为机器视觉开发了突破性的基于事件的视觉(Event-Based Vision)解决方案。这种新的视觉方法可显着降低功耗、延迟、及数据处理量,能够获得传统基于帧的传感器不能获取的内容。 普诺飞思获得专利的 Metavision? 传感器和 AI 算法模仿人眼和大脑的工...
Event-based vision is a paradigm-shifting advancement that is based on how the human eye records and interprets visual inputs. The sensors facilitate machine vision by recording changes in the scene rather than recording the entire scene at regular intervals. Specific advantages over frame-based ap...
SynSense has announced the launch of a Speck™ Demo Kit. This compact development module enables users to quickly and easily deploy and validate their event-based neuromorphic vision applications.
关于Speck:全球首款“感算一体”类脑智能动态视觉SoC集成了异步类脑动态视觉处理器(Dynap-CNN)和动态视觉传感器(Dynamic Vision Sensor,DVS;又名 Event Camera (事件相机),或Dynamic Event-based Sensor (DES),Event-based Vision Sensor (EVS)等。它实现了基于异步逻辑范式的大规模脉冲卷积神经网络(sCNN)芯片架构...
The partnership will combines in one single chip SynSense 's low-power vision SNN processor DYNAP-CNN with Prophesee 's event-based Metavision sensors , and is focused on developing a line of cost-efficient modules that can be manufacturing at high volume . ...
SynSense will explore in-vehicle intelligent applications inside and outside the car with the focus of Speck, a smart vision sensor based on neuromorphic technology and computing.Speck is the world’s first fully event-driven smart vision sensor. Its contribution to AI innovation lies in its ...