Synplify综合xilinx的IP 方法一:将整个IP加入综合 Step1:点击Import -> Add Vivado IP Step2:在对话框中指定IP的路径或者指定xci文件点击next Step3:在小方框中打勾点击next Step3:选择automatic和add IP directly to current project点击Import Step4:在工程约束文件夹中删除这些ip自带的fdc约束文件 生成edf文件给xil...
VivadoIP核提供了强大的FIFO生成器,可以通过图形化配置快速生成FIFOIP核。 2023-08-07 15:36:28 Vivado生成IP核 在vivado生成ip核后缺少一大片文件,之前是可以用的,中途卸载过Modelsim,用vivado打开过ISE工程,因为工程中很多IP核不能用所以在重新生成过程中发现了这个问题,还请大神告知是怎么回事?
I synthesised it in vivado and exported the .edn and .v into a synplify project in which I encountered some error I don't know how to resolve, here is the error message: @N: CG364 :"C:\Synopsys\fpga_F201203SP2\lib\xilinx\unisim.v":16608:7:16608:10|Synthesizing module OBUF @N: C...
Let the Synplify IP import features set the best defaults. Point to an IP directory and Synplify will do the rest. Alternatively you can point to a directory full of IP, or a list file with XCI or DCP files, and Synplify will add all IP or a list of IP. When Vivado is not availa...