使用create_clock、create_generated_clock等命令来定义时钟信号,并指定其频率、相位等属性。 确保时钟信号连接到元件: 检查设计,确保所有时钟信号都正确连接到了需要它们的元件上。 如果时钟信号是通过MUX选择的,确保MUX的输入和输出都正确连接。 调整综合策略: 降低综合策略的优化级别,以避免过度优化。 使用set_opti...
clock source rather than "single-ended" or "differential." Otherwise the wizard will include the...
7、s.all;四、用户界面五、工程流程1)Create Project2)Add Input Files3)Create or Edit ImplementationPick DeviceGlobal Clock Frequency4) Souce check5) Set Constaint file and optimization6)Click on the Button7)View/Analyze Results and export files1 创建工程使用project wizard工程向导1)启用工程向导工程...
For simulation purposes, it is not necessary to create a clock for the Watch testbench, since the design already has the OSC4 component generating a 15Hz signal. However, one problem with this is that the OSC4 component also has a 8MHz pin, and therefore the OSC4 simu- lation model ...
Synplify教程 内容 一、什么是综合二、Synplifypro综合三、基本概念四、用户界面五、基本工程流程 什么是综合??设计描述 –高层次描述:对整个系统的数学模型描述,它试图在系统设计的初始阶段,通过对系统行为描述的仿真来发现系统设计中存在的问题,此时考虑更多的是系统结构和工作过程能够达到设计规格的要求,而与具体...
1. Create a new constraint file a. File -> New -> Constraint File (Spreadsheet) b. Select the “ I nputs/ Outputs” tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet. c. Open the RTL View and re-arrange the spreadsheet window so that you can see ...
andsynthesizethedesign 1.InvokeSynplify Createanewproject File->New->ProjectFile Orclickonthequickaccessbutton“P” 3.AddHDLsourcefiles Source->AddSourceFiles Orclickonthequickaccessbutton“ADD” Gotosynplify_labs\lab1\verilogorvhdl Selectalu.v(alu.vhd)andHdl_demo.v(Hdl_demo.vhd)&clickonopen ...
Synplify Synplify Pro Performance Behavior Extracting Synthesis Technology® (BEST™) x x Vendor-Generated Core/IP Support (certain technologies) FSM Compiler x x x FSM Explorer x Gated Clock Conversion x Register Pipelining x Register Retiming SCOPE® Constraint Entry x xx High Reliability ...
1.Create an ISE project using File->New menu button or open an existing ISE project.2.Select your project in the source window of project navigator.3.Right click and choose "Properties…" option to set Synplify/Synplify Pro as your synthesis tool.4.Also choose the family and the device to...