Grayscale and power Doppler musculoskeletal ultrasound images of 13 joints and 5 tendons of the wrist and hand were obtained. Clinical assessment included modified Rodnan skin thickness score, joint count, and Scleroderma Health Assessment Questionnaire. Face validity, content validity, construct validity...
Tenosynovitis and synovitis of the first extensor compartment of the wrist: What sonographers should know Background Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterised by synovial inflammation and hypertrophy leading to progressive structural damage1. Synovitis can be difficult to detect by clinical examination. ...
Chew and colleagues,44 comparing the total sum scores of the right hand and wrist joints with the left hand and wrist joints of individual patients, suggested that there was positive correlation in all 3 parameters (synovitis, BME, erosion), with high mean sum score for both the sides; howev...
英文: Cartilage debris within the joint results in low-grade chronic inflammatory synovitis and joint effusion. 中文: 在关节内软骨碎片导致低度慢性囊炎和关节积液。 更详细... 英文: Tenosynovitis often happens around hand and wrist, and de Quervain's disease is due to inflammation of the synovia...
(GCTTS). There are many similarities in the histology between these two conditions, although the clinical presentation can be different. Other terms used are pigmented villonodular bursitis or tenosynovitis, nodular tenosynovitis, fibrous xanthoma, sclerosing haemangioma and benign synovioma. The use of...
Pigmented villonodular synovitis, bursitis and tenosynovitis a discussion of the synovial and bursal equivalents of the tenosynovial lesion commonly denoted as xanthoma, xanthogranuloma, giant cell tumor or myeloplaxoma of the tendon sheath, with some consideration of this tendon sheath lesion itself. ...
Synovitis and tenosynovitis were classified semi- quantitatively by power Doppler (PD), as follows: grade 0 = no intraarticular colour signal; grade 1 = up to three single colour signals or two single signals and one confluent signal in the intraarticular area; grade 2 = greater than grade ...
Arend CF. Tenosynovitis and synovitis of the first extensor com- partment of the wrist: what sonographers should know. Radiol Bras. 2012;45:219-24.Arend CF. Tenosynovitis and synovitis of the first extensor compartment of the wrist: what sonographers should know. Radiol Bras. Jui-Aou2012; ...
Conclusion: Our deep learning model provides a first step into automatically quantifying joint inflammation from MRI of the wrist. Whilst it is much faster (~10 sec per patient) than visual scoring, it performs well for tenosynovitis and synovitis but less so for BME. This approach is therefore...
OP0190QUANTIFICATION OF TENOSYNOVITIS, SYNOVITIS AND BONE MARROW EDEMA IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS FROM WRIST MRIs, BASED ON DEEP LEARNING Background: Assessing (teno-)synovitis and bone marrow edema (BME) in the wrist of patients with (suspected) rheumatoid arthritis from magnetic resonance i... Shamon...