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THE mechanism of lubrication in human joints depends on the bearing material (articular cartilage), the joint lubricant (synovial fluid) and the operating conditions (sliding or rolling speeds, load and time of load application). Cartilage is a composite of collagen fibre bundles set at various ...
Biomedical engineering Bioengineering synovial fluid with theoretical and experimental models of the synovial joint UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIASAN DIEGO Robert L. Sah BlewisMegan EAuthor(s): Blewis, Megan E. | Abstract: Synovial fluid (SF) in native joints functions as a biomechanical lubricant, ...
The book begins with a discussion of normal articular fluid. Much of the work presented was done on cattle, but the findings are apparently comparable to those in fluid recovered post mortem from human joints. The second chapter presents a general analysis of the variations that can occur in ...
Synovial Fluid in an Injured Joint Normalsynovial fluid, adialysateof plasma to whichhyaluronic acidproduced by the B cells of thesynovial liningis added, is viscous, pale yellow, and clear. Even in largejointsthe volume is small. Examination ofsynovial fluidis extremely helpful in the diagnosis...
必应词典为您提供synovial-Fluid的释义,美[saɪˌnoʊviəl ˈfluɪd],英[saɪˌnəʊviəl ˈfluːɪd],un. 滑液;关节液; 网络释义: 关节液分析;关节滑液;滑囊液;
Definition noun A clear, viscid fluid in thesynovial joints and secreted by the membrane that lines the joints Supplement Thesynovial joints are the joints that line opposing bony surfaces. The general components of a synovial joint are the joint capsule, a layer of articular cartilage, and a ...
The Joints and Synovial Fluid Author links open overlay panelE.G.L. BywatersShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite rights and contentAccess through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through...
Are cavities of the joints formed by synovial fluid?Question:Are cavities of the joints formed by synovial fluid?Synovial Fluid:Synovial fluid is a viscous fluid used to reduce friction between bones in a joint. Interestingly, it is a non-Newtonian fluid, meaning that it becomes thicker and mo...
Synovial fluid (joint fluid, synovia) is a blood plasma dialysate with hyaluronic acid (0.2–0.5%), a mucopolysaccharide produced by synovial lining cells (B-type synoviocytes), which functions as a stable film of lubricant for joints. The high viscosity is due to the hyaluronan which polymeris...