PC Ward.Interpretation of synovial fluid data. Postgraduate Medicine . 1980Ward PCJ: Interpretation of synovial fluid data. Post- grad Med 68:175-179, 182-184, 1980Ward, PC (1980) Interpretation of synovial fluid data. Postgrad Med 68: pp. 182-4...
The history, presentation, radiographic findings, and amount of fluid collected determine which of these tests are to be done. The collection process can affect the synovial fluid results and interpretation. Hemodilution of the specimen by inadvertent penetration of a blood vessel can alter the ...
Joint fluid, also referred to as synovial fluid, can be aspirated from ajointusing a needle and syringe. The procedure can be performed in a healthcare provider’s examination room and the fluid is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. Joint fluid analysis is also commonly referred to by ...
Synovial Fluid Analysis Synovial fluid from patients with JIA is usually inflammatory (Table 15-4). The principal cellular constituents are polymorphonuclear neutrophils and mononuclear cells, including lymphoid dendritic cells. The leukocyte count does not always correlate with the degree of clinical activ...
A suitable interpretation of the analysis of SF requires the observation by at least two experienced observers. The information that the analysis of SF provides to the clinicians gives them the necessary elements to establish the diagnosis and to decide on treatment. Specific stains in the analysis...
All authors contributed substantially to the conception or design of the work or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; drafted the work or revised it critically for important intellectual content; gave their final approval of the version to be published; and agreed to...
Synovial fluid analysis is very important for the diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of arthropathies. The objective of this study was to examine the applicability of the "Biochemical joint function test" described by Heilmann in the horse. This dilution method allows the determination of the total...
Objective: To carry out a critical appraisal of the literature in an attempt to assess the current value of synovial fluid (SF) analysis in the diagnosis of joint disease. Methods: A literature search was undertaken using the Medline, Biomed, Bids, Pubmed, and Embase electronic databases using...
In the group with a PJI one out of four cases (25%) had actually an elevated white blood cell count in the synovial fluid. In the group without PJI, 22% had elevated values. Since a microbiological analysis was carried out whenever an aspirate could be obtained, a result was received ...
Diagnosis is confirmed by synovial fluid analysis using similar tests and interpretation to those used in the diagnosis of septic arthritis (q.v.). Specifically, fluid with an elevated total protein (>40g/L), a leukocytosis (>20 × 109...