3.(Physical Geography)meteorolshowing or concerned with the distribution of meteorological conditions over a wide area at a given time:a synoptic chart. n (Bible) (often capital)Bible a.any of the three synoptic Gospels b.any of the authors of these three Gospels ...
Cort J. WillmottCORT I. WILLMO'TT is Associate Professor of Geography and Marine Studies at the University of DelawareNewarkThe Professional GeographerWillmott, C. J. 1987. `Synoptic weather-map classification: correlation versus sums-of-squares', Prof. Geogr., 39, 205-207....
(1992), Synoptic weather patterns and wave conditions, Surfers Paradise Beach, south-eastern Queensland, 1988. Australian Geographical Studies, 30: 142–162. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8470.1992.tb00739.x Author Information † *Mr Phinn is a postgraduate student at the Department of Geography, ...
a most significant function of the map is to reveal a synoptic picture of conditions in the atmosphere at a given time. all students of geography should be able to interpret a weather map accurately. weather maps contain an enormous amount of information about weather conditions existing over a...
Heavy air pollution is strongly influenced by weather conditions and is thus sensitive to climate change. Especially, for the areas with complex topography
Cameron C. LeeDepartment of GeographyNatural HazardsLee CC. 2012. Utilizing synoptic climatological methods to assess the impacts of climate change on future tornado-favorable environments. Nat. Hazards 62: 325-343, doi: 10.1007/s11069-011-9998-y....
These are only one time sample of map sequences that exist. They are an almost unmined source for research into mesoscale surface weather changes and associated hydrologic phenomenaRaynerGeographyJohnGeographyN.GeographyEBSCO_AspBulletin of the American Meteorological Society...
Physical GeographyDavis R E,Kalkstein L S.Using a spatial synoptic climatological classification to assess changes in atmospheric pollution concentration. Phys.Geogr . 1990Davis, R. E., Kalkstein, L. S., 1990b: Using a spatial synoptic climatological classification to assess changes in atmo- ...
Department of Geography and Earth System Science Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 302 Walker Building, University Park, PA 16803, USAJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdInternational Journal of ClimatologyFrakes B , Yarnal B . 1997 . A procedure for blending manual and correlation based synoptic ...
The results could become a useful tool for weather forecasters in order to better predict the occurrence of heat waves and warm spells. Keywords: heat wave; warm spell; percentile threshold; synoptic conditions; Romania1. Introduction Extreme high temperatures and related events such as heat waves...