Silicon to Systems Design Solutions Synopsys is a valued partner for global silicon to systems design across a wide range of vertical markets, empowering technology innovators everywhere with the industry’s most comprehensive and trusted solutions....
新思科技的VC SpyGlass Lint等工具可以完美解决这一问题,它利用形式引擎实现功能分析,可有效帮助开发者们尽早判断他们的RTL代码质量是否满足设计需求,最终加速签核。
Static & Formal Verification Static Analysis Sysnav Synplify Taurus-Medici Taurus-TSuprem4 TCAD Testbench Quality Assurance TestMAX Access TestMAX Advisor TestMAX ALE TestMAX ATPG TestMAX DFT TestMAX Diagnosis TestMAX Manager TestMAX XLBIST TestMAX Vtran ... Design Space Optimization System Named "Innovative Product of the Year" and VC SpyGlass RTL Static Signoff Solution Honored as "Most Promising New Chip Life Technology" Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNPS) today announced it received two 2020 World Electronics Achievement Awards (WEAA): "Innovati...
VC Static O-2018.09-SP2-2 Formality O-2018.06-SP1 Library Compiler M-2016.12 PrimeTime M-2016.12-SP1 IC Compiler L-2016.03-SP1 HSPICE L-2016.06-SP1 CustomExplorer K-2015.06 License will expire on 30-dec-2030. open terminal and run command: docker run -it --hostname lizhen --mac-address ...
sometimes even hundreds, of asynchronous clock domains, making it very difficult to verify using conventional simulation or static timing analysis (STA). RTL simulation is not designed to verify metastability effects, which lead to data transfer issues across asynchronous clock boundaries. STA tools als...
the tools in production early. To complete the services engagement, Synopsys will provide hands-on training on how-to run the tool, debug, and interpret results for up to five engineers.Accelerate RTL signoff with Synopsys tool and methodology experts Static Verification CoStart: RTL Signoff ...
TSMC-Certified OIP Virtual Design Environment with Synopsys Tools Now Available on Google Cloud Expanded Cloud-based Services Give SoC Designers More Scalability and Flexibility Highlights: Synopsys Cloud Solution now supports Google Cloud Platform for TSMC OIP VDE TSMC has certified that GCP meets both...
Synopsys VC Static 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys VCS 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys Verdi 2024.09 Linux64 Synopsys YieldManager 2024.09 使用说明 从2024.09(W 基础)软件版本开始: 放弃对 CentOS Linux 的支持。 对于RedHat Enterprise Linux,支持的最低操作系统为 8.4.RHEL,7.x、8.0、8.1、8.2 和 8.3 将不再受支持。
requirements.Thesetoolsperformtrade-offsbetweenspeed,area,power,andruntime accordingtotheconstraintssetbythedesigner.However,achipmustmeetthetiming constraintsinordertooperateattheintendedclockrate,sotimingisthemostimportant designconstraint. Statictimingysisseekstoanswerthequestion,“Willthecorrectdatabepresentatthe...