Synonyms for preference in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for preference. 56 synonyms for preference: liking, wish, taste, desire, bag, leaning, bent, bias, cup of tea, inclination, penchant, fondness, predisposition, predilection... What are synonyms for pre
English Definitionwouldrather;better Simplified Script宁愿 Traditional Script寧願 Part of Speech(副) adverb Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (动) As a verb Give preference to one creditor over another. ...
Synonyms for PASSION: love, affection, devotion, enthusiasm, respect, fondness, desire, longing; Antonyms of PASSION: hatred, hate, hostility, loathing, animosity, rancor, antagonism, enmity
In merely resuming his own the author hopes to be held guiltless by those to whom the work is addressed -- enlightened souls who prefer dry wines to sweet, sense to sentiment, wit to humor and clean English to slang. View in context Finally I promised one little girl, who made a long...
Synonyms for PRECEDENCE: priority, right-of-way, order, urgency, succession, preference, primacy, ascendency; Antonyms of PRECEDENCE: back burner
1. The act of choosing, or the state of being chosen; preference. [R.] Natural preferment of the one . . . before the other. --Sir T. Browne. 2. The act of preferring, or advancing in dignity or office; the state of being advanced; promotion. Neither royal blandishments nor ...
Qingnan Meng
English synonyms: dictatorial Synonyms: 專制的, 專政, 專政的, 獨裁, 獨裁的 Based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice. English synonyms: arbitrary Synonyms: 任意, 任意的, 專制的, 隨意, 隨意的 Antonyms: nonarbitrary, unarbitrary Despotical. English ...
preference 侧重因偏见、爱好或判断等而进行选择。 option 着重特别给予的选择权利或权力,所选物常常相互排斥。 selection 指作广泛的选择,着重选择者的识别力或鉴赏力。 election 强调目的和达到目的判断能力。 choose, select, elect, pick, prefer, opt
Many of the substitutions are the result of error or unconscious scribal preference but this article demonstrates that all three texts of the Old English Life, which is of likely Anglian origin, also reveal a pattern of deliberate rewording. This rewording arises from a desire to regularise and...