English Definition to keep; to maintain; to preserve Simplified Script 维持 Traditional Script 維持 Part of Speech (动) verb Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (形) As an adjective Sustained or maintained by aid (as distinct from physi...
Synonyms for keep to (oneself) in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for keep to (oneself). 502 synonyms for keep: remain, stay, continue to be, go on being, carry on being, prevent, hold back, deter, inhibit, block, stall, restrain, hamstring, hamper. What are sy
Synonyms for EXECUTE: enforce, implement, administer, apply, fulfill, invoke, enact, render; Antonyms of EXECUTE: ignore, disregard, neglect, fail, slight, skimp, slur, restore
Synonyms for STASH: hoard, store, stockpile, cache, collection, funds, inventory, savings; Antonyms of STASH: dump, ditch, unload, discard, cast, waste, throw away, consume
When someone persists they keep going or hang on. If you want to finish a marathon, you have to persist and keep running, no matter how many blisters you have.
take care of take up throw oneself into turn to verbas incarry on Compare Synonyms SynonymsAntonyms Weak matches administer conduct direct keep operate ordain verbas indo Compare Synonyms SynonymsAntonyms Strongest matches accomplish achieve act
5. Keep the body short and simple. No one likes long emails. The more content you include, the less likely that readers will reach the bottom of your email, even if they’ve noticed the paperclip symbol that indicates an attachment. The lesson? It’s worth keeping your email body short...
However, they aren't necessarily going to help you steer clear of keyword stuffing, which is where synonyms come into play. Using the LSI keyword"Apple Inc."isn't going to keep you from overusing your target keyword"iPhone life hacks", but using"iPhone tricks"or even the similar term"iPho...
A three-bedroom house is going under the hammer for just £12,000 after a warning that any new owners will have to rid the home of a pigeon infestation. From BBC On the back seat was a pigeon which he tried to gift Tyson - known to keep racing pigeons at his home - during fight...
Thanks to the past 40 years of reform an d opening up, people's standards have been greatly improved.c)He was the first capture d Israeli soldier to return home in 26 years.6 keep reserve preserve a)You just have to calm an d prepare yourself for what's going to happen and you'll...