English Definition to develop; to mature; growth; development; (sexually) mature Simplified Script 发育 Traditional Script 發育 Part of Speech (动) verb Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun A progression from simpler to ...
Medical Idioms Wikipedia </>embed</> ripe mature grown-up grown full-grown full-fledged full-blown big adult developed adj Synonyms for developed Roget's WordNet adjhaving reached full growth and development Synonyms adult big full-blown
Some economists expect price growth to slow further this year but not turn negative, because there’s still not enough supply for everyone that wants to live here. FromLos Angeles Times “Neolithic societies relied on the sun for the successful growth of their crops and thus for the continued...
Definitions of develop verb grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment “A flower developed on the branch” “The country developed into a mighty superpower” “The embryo develops into a fetus” “This situation ...
, growth, or development, from several centers. According as the insubordination to a single center is more or less pronounced, the resultant organism will be more or less irregular in form and may even discontinuous. NondevelopmentNondevelopment Non`de*vel"op*ment, n. Failure or lack of ...
Definition of Develops DevelopDevelop De*vel"op, v. i. 1. To go through a process of natural evolution or growth, by successive changes from a less perfect to a more perfect or more highly organized state; to advance from a simpler form of existence to one more complex either in structur...
on the one hand, of a part being largely developed through natural selection and another and adjoining part being reduced by this same process or by disuse, and, on the other hand, the actual withdrawal of nutriment from one part owing to the excess of growth in another and adjoining part...
For the noun ‘development’, alternatives include ‘expansion’, ‘evolution’, and ‘progression’, which emphasize the process of growth or improvement. How can I express ‘to grow or to develop’ with other vocabulary? To express ‘to grow or to develop’, you might use terms like ‘blo...
The first concrete development in the future of the party is set to come in early February, with the election of a new chair of the Democratic National Committee. FromSalon Bass’ order also establishes task forces for debris removal, mudslide mitigation and to help multifamily development nearin...