go before introduce preface preface take precedence go before head lead go ahead of go ahead of forerun antecede antedate usher in pave the way... herald introduce go before precede verb Synonyms for precede Collins Roget's WordNet verbgo before ...
prefixlaunchgo beforeintroduceprefaceprefacetake precedencego beforeheadleadgo ahead ofgo ahead offorerunantecedeantedateusher inpave the way...heraldintroducego beforeprecede verb Synonyms for precede Collins Roget's WordNet verbgo before Synonyms go before introduce herald pave the way for usher in ...
Definition of dynamo as in pistola very energetic person a dynamo who barely needs to sleep, or so it seems Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance pistol powerhouse fireball achiever live wire self-starter highflyer hustler go-getter doer go-ahead highflier enterpriser hummer ...
English Definition to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward Simplified Script 前进 Traditional Script 前進 Part of Speech (动) verb Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense.May need to scroll content.) (形) As an adjective Moving forward. English synonyms: forw...
bring forward,come forward,continue ahead,continue on,forge ahead,gain ground,get ahead,get green light,get there,get with it,go ahead,go forth,go forward,go great guns,go places,go to town,make headway,make the scene,move on,move onward,press on,push ahead,push on,send forward,step for...
a person who actively does things instead of just thinking or talking about them I'm more of a thinker than a doer.Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance achiever powerhouse enterpriser self-starter comer go-getter hustler highflyer bootstrapper individualist go-ahead live wire ...
Modeling based on the skewed-high axis-ratio distribution shows that the ratio of the shortest to the longest of their three axes is, on average, half and increases with spatial compactness. From Science Daily His history suggests, however, that given the go-ahead he will gleefully take a me...
Synonyms of see (1) left look, right look -left (GU) right (hope) (2) look askance at - andeyebrows (as) (3) standing on a height tosee people -- high (looking) far (attention) (4) accustomed to seeing,but not seeing - cooked (see) no see (5) people all over theworld are...
phrasego together: harmonize phrasego together: go out phrasego under: fail phrasego under: sink phrasego up phrasego without something phrasego with something phraseno go Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002...
Synonyms for HUMMER: powerhouse, hustler, highflyer, go-ahead, achiever, live wire, go-getter, self-starter; Antonyms of HUMMER: idler, loafer, lounger, drone, dawdler, trifler, slacker, shirker