Synonyms for SHY (FROM OR AWAY FROM): disapprove (of), object (to), cringe (at), frown (on or upon), despise, mind, loathe, hate; Antonyms of SHY (FROM OR AWAY FROM): like, cotton (to), delight (in), enjoy, love, fancy, regard, respect
Synonyms for shy Collins Roget's WordNet phrasefight shy of something phraseshy away from something Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a ...
Synonyms for BACKWARD: back, rearward, rearwards, astern, reversely, counterclockwise, withershins, widdershins; Antonyms of BACKWARD: forward, forth, ahead, along, on, forwards, before, onward
Synonyms for storey Collins WordNet nounfloor Synonyms floor level flight deck tier Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page...
Use the word bank to find synonyms of words for emotions. Words: amazed/surprised, caring/loving, timid/shy, angry/mad, cheerful/happy, weary/tired, unhappy/sad, afraid/scared, uninterested/bored, fearless/brave. Orgo to the answers. ...
Find Word Random Word shy Add to listShare /ʃaɪ/ /ʃaɪ/ IPA guide Other forms:shied; shying; shies; shyest; shyer; shier; shiest Making small talk is not much fun for ashyperson.Shymeans being nervous or reserved around other people, especially in a social situation. ...
Shy is an adjective describing a person with shyness. Shy or SHY may also refer to: Shinyanga...- from attacking sheep. Here, bait shyness is transferred from the pieces of meat to an aversion for live sheep. Bait shyness may sometimes be location specific...- He pioneered The Stanford ...
Words related tounassertiveare not direct synonyms, but are associated with the wordunassertive. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. bashful adjectiveas inshy coy adjectiveas invery modest demure adjectiveas inreserved, affected ...
give the slip hide hold back/hold off jump keep clear lay low obviate recoil run for cover shake shake and bake shake off shirk shrink from shuffle off shun shy sidestep skip skip out on skip town skirt stay away stay out steer clear of step aside turn aside ward/ward off weave withdraw...
Use the word bank to find synonyms of words for emotions in this printable worksheet. Words: amazed/surprised, caring/loving, timid/shy, angry/mad, cheerful/happy, weary/tired, unhappy/sad, afraid/scared, uninterested/bored, and fearless/brave. Estimated Grade Level Our subscribers' grade-level...