Smarte Carte has been authorised to add 2,000 carts so that passengers may leave the FIS without having to surrender their carts. Baggage cart re-think at MIA. (the Americas) As passenger numbers increase, and the demand for services like baggage carts and lockers rises, airports will need...
Synonyms for WISE: prudent, insightful, sagacious, brilliant, experienced, clever, perceptive, sage; Antonyms of WISE: unwise, foolish, dense, dull, stupid, simple, slow, dumb
AlphaSense's Smart Synonyms Technology will transform your financial research process and streamline your workflow.
Synonyms for DIM: darkened, dark, murky, dimmed, black, unlit, dusky, sombre; Antonyms of DIM: light, bright, lighted, luminous, illuminated, lit, brilliant, shining
Tres, Assez, and Bien Usetrèswhen you want to emphasize something. You can usetrèsin front of adjectives, adverbs, and even certain nouns, such as those that refer to feelings but useavoir—"to be." Il esttrèsintelligent. >He is very smart. ...
Most blokes I know think they are cleverer than their wives and their wives are smart enough to let them carry on believing that. Just humour them This means that computers will continue to become 'cleverer'. Will computers become more intelligent than humans? THE DEBATE He's ever so slightl...
street smart,streetwise,with it,with-it having the shrewd resourcefulness needed to survive in an urban environment intelligent having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree see more adjective elegant and stylish “asmartnew dress” ...
Definition fortalented adjectiveas ingifted Compare Synonyms SynonymsAntonyms Strongest matches accomplished,adept,brilliant,capable,intelligent,proficient,skilled,smart Weak matches able,adroit,artistic,clever,cut out for,endowed,expert,having a knack,ingenious,masterly,shining at ...
intelligent keen know backwards and forwards know one's onions know the ropes learned masterful masterly powerful practiced prepared proficient qualified responsible savvy sharp skilled skillful smart talented there trained up to it up to snuff
For example, if you are writing about an intelligent professor, you could describe her within a paragraph as smart, sharp, and insightful as opposed to identifying her as smart three times. There may also be times when one synonym might be a better choice than another because either it’s ...