Instead, inspirational talks by the charismatic leader, Earl and wholesome outdoor activities with the other teens on the island, or 'striplings' as they are known. Packham, Simon: Firewallers The majority of their signings are fast-rising striplings, but they have also been occasionally reviv...
Synonyms for PARALYZE: cripple, incapacitate, undermine, weaken, immobilize, disable, hamstring, undercut; Antonyms of PARALYZE: energize, galvanize, invigorate, vitalize, strengthen, fortify, empower, restore
Synonyms for Recreational activities in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Recreational activities. 34 synonyms for recreation: leisure, play, sport, exercise, fun, relief, pleasure, entertainment, relaxation, enjoyment, distraction, amusement, diversion... W
Recent Examples of Synonyms for pram buggy crib pushchair stroller baby carriage baby buggy perambulator Noun Other amenities include an outdoor library, activities booking like diving and snorkeling trips, and a buggy for beach transfers. Lauren Mowery, Forbes, 28 Feb. 2025 In our course, stu...
Temperate: This term suggests a balanced temperature, comfortable for both outdoor activities and relaxation. Sun-kissed: This word captures the feeling of warmth and light on the skin, evoking a sense of contentment. Golden: This word speaks to the warm, inviting hues of the...
Breezy: Indicates weather with a pleasant and gentle wind, creating a comfortable and relaxing outdoor experience. Bright: Describes weather with a high level of natural light and illumination, often due to clear skies and sunlight. Cheerful: Reflects a positive and happy weather atmosphere that up...
Definitions ofgood weather noun weather suitable for outdoor activities see more Pronunciation US /gʊd ˌwɛðər/ UK /gʊd ˈwɛðə/ Cite this entry Style: MLA "Good weather." Dictionary,, weather. Acc...
As synonyms for ‘good’, we can choose “excellent,”“positive,” or “favorable,” which are impactful and precise. In what contexts can synonyms of ‘beneficial’ be used effectively in sentences? We can use synonyms of ‘beneficial’ effectively in sentences to describe situations or action...
Forms of Demander Let's take a look at demander in the present tense for all the forms. Here's the conjugation chart: Example Sentences with Demander Grammar of Demander Demander Versus Exiger Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I ...
Other forms:provisions; provisioned; provisioning Aprovisionis a store or supply of something, like food or clothing. This noun can also describe the planning you do for "when something happens." We often use this word when we talk about outdoor activities like hiking or camping, or when ...