The results showed Kim used different types of jump depending on the challenge she was presented with. One giant leap for spiderkind The Jump In plan was given the green light by Coventry City Council planners in November last year, in a move which would have seen the creation of 60 jobs...
2025 Initial prototypes completely unraveled during initial tests in a wind tunnel, and were ripped during test jumps, but Van Herpen ultimately arrived at a version that held together beautifully for the awe-inspiring descent. Miles Socha, WWD, 15 Jan. 2025 See all Example Sentences for jump ...
Synonyms for jumping to the conclusion in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for jumping to the conclusion. 231 synonym for jump: leap, dance, spring, bound, bounce, hop, skip, caper, prance, gambol, vault, clear, hurdle, go over, sail over, hop over, spring, boun
Synonyms for JUMP (ON): assault, attack, raid, turn (on), storm, set on, set at, strike; Antonyms of JUMP (ON): protect, cover, secure, defend, guard, shield, commend, praise
View definitions forjump up jump up verbas inlift Compare Synonyms SynonymsAntonyms Strongest matches boost climb hoist pick up raise rise soar Strong matches arise aspire disperse dissipate elevate erect heft hike mount rear up upheave uplift ...
Lastly, I want to thank you for a wonderful party. Until next time! Johan dropped his backpack in a puddle, tripped on the sidewalk, and, lastly, forgot the key to the gate. The candidate is well qualified: They’re accomplished, eager to jump in, and, lastly, their colleagues speak ...
Synonyms – Verbs:Jump, bound, leap, hop, skip Synonyms – Prepositions: in, inside, within That’s just a very short synonyms and antonyms list. Here are more examples for you: Synonyms: Small, little, mini, short, tiny, petite, fine ...
jump lurk prowl skulk slink surprise Weak matches hold up lay for pounce on set upon swoop down on Discover More Example Sentences Having found some stock at another local shop, Mr Phelps worked with its manager to lie in wait there for the thief's return. ...
If the meaning is not exactly the same, the words have very similar meanings in the context. When two words are synonyms of one another, we call them synonymous words. Let us take the example of the word “jump”. The words leap, bounce, hop are all synonymous to jump, i.e. they ...
To bound is to jump or hop — usually as you run. Bound can also mean to go or to plan to go, especially to a certain destination, as in being bound for New York or homeward-bound.Superman can "leap tall buildings in a single bound," but the word bound is usually about ...