(redirected fromseemed) Dictionary Idioms </>embed</> have the or e... strike you as... look like you... come across a... look as if yo... sound as if y... show signs of... look to be sound seem verb Synonyms for seem ...
It should come as no surprise that today's ballet dancers can easily adapt to the sexier, pelvis-swinging moves and jagged partnering that just three decades ago seemed so foreign to them. The Joffrey Ballet There are those who believe Birmingham International Airport should be given a sexier...
Recent Examples of uncool Jennifer Lawrence was the most successful actress of her generation, an Oscar winner by 23, with an unpretentious persona that sat in stark contrast to the theater-kid affectations of Anne Hathaway, who suddenly seemed extremely uncool. Nate Jones, Vulture, 20 Aug. 202...
Get Custom Synonyms Enter your own sentence containing getting somewhere , and get words to replace it.as in making itto reach a desired level of accomplishment After an hour of clearing the snow, it seemed like we were finally getting somewhere.Synonyms...
it seems that most likely on the face of it ostensibly outwardly plausibly possibly probably professedly reasonably reputably seemingly speciously superficially supposedly to all appearances Discover More Example Sentences As for what Trump has seemed to propose thus far, the extent seems to end at ...
Find 96 different ways to say GRASP, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.
- wrote that "they mostly became tyrants and did not fear the king, as it beseemed, because they had divided the kingdom among themselves". Not even the quieter...- fraíhnan "to ask"; class 6: alan "to grow", usanan "to expire", ga-daban "to beseem" (gadōf), ga-draban ...
I looked through results in COCA for both terms and checked several dictionaries using the multi-dictionary search tool OneLook. The definitions that seemed to fit what I observed best were Collins' definition of clumsy: lacking in skill or physical coordination awkwardly constructe...
Example: That morning, the sunny, clear weather seemed propitious for a long day sailing around the island. The word propitious comes from the Latin propritius. According to the French dictionary Littré, it’s possible that this Latin word originally referred to a favorable augur; in other wo...
• Everything seemed to shimmer in the heat. 在高温下所有的东西都好像在发光。 7. glitter to shine brightly with small flashes of reflected light 指闪亮、闪耀: • The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold. 大教堂的天花板金光闪闪。 sparkle or glitter? 用sparkle还是glitter? There is ...