Synonyms for governance in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for governance. 25 synonyms for governance: rule, government, authority, administration, sovereignty, dominion, polity, administration, control, direction, government, rule... What are synonyms for gov
Synonyms for Government bodies in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Government bodies. 37 synonyms for government: administration, executive, ministry, regime, governing body, powers-that-be, rule, state, law, authority, administration... What are synonyms f
Your government is the system of people, laws, and officials that define and control the country that you live in. The U.S. government, for example, is a representative democracy with three branches.
For Try This a responsible adult a dependable adult a reliable adult a trustworthy adult a conscientious adult an accountable adult responsible decisions careful decisions mature decisions appropriate decisions thoughtful decisions proactive decisions a responsible government a capable government a competent ...
as in undercoverworking on missions in which one's objectives, activities, or true identity are not publicly revealed secret agents whose wartime exploits were known only by top government officials Synonyms & Similar Words undercover subterranean covert private secretive ...
Politicians are naturally averse to calling their constituents idiots, so they have been responding by demanding more transparency from government officials at the Pentagon and other agencies. From Los Angeles Times “Simply because of my history, background and online activity, they think I’m paid...
Maxwell's attorney refutes the government's suggestion that the defendant is causing the filthiness and smelly conditions of her prison cell. From Fox News "I saw the queues, the shortages, the filthiness of public lavatories, the bureaucracy, the corruption, the red tape, the rudeness of ...
- himself the emperor of the Qing dynasty (Manchu: ᡩᠠᡳᠴᡳᠩ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ, Möllendorff: daicing gurun, Abkai: daiqing gurun).: 15 Factors for the change of name of these...- Department I; Education Service Department II; Government College Owerri; Daice...
government officials governance administration power structure download a flashcard Table of Contents 1. collectivization Rhymes with Collectivization Collectivization in a sentence Synonyms Antonyms 1. collectivization noun. ['kəˌlɛktɪvɪˈzeɪʃən'] the organization of...
Find a translation for thesuccessfullysynonym in other languages: Citation Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography: Style:MLAChicagoAPA "successfully." LLC, 2024. Web. 23 Nov. 2024. <>. ...